Ess Approved Electricians Limited MARSDEN

Founded in 2005, Ess Approved Electricians, classified under reg no. 05543086 is an active company. Currently registered at Upyonda House HD7 6NJ, Marsden the company has been in the business for nineteen years. Its financial year was closed on 31st January and its latest financial statement was filed on 2023-01-31.

At the moment there are 2 directors in the the company, namely Lianne H. and Stuart H.. In addition one secretary - Lianne H. - is with the firm. As of 10 November 2024, our data shows no information about any ex officers on these positions.

Ess Approved Electricians Limited Address / Contact

Office Address Upyonda House
Office Address2 Manchester Road
Town Marsden
Post code HD7 6NJ
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 05543086
Date of Incorporation Tue, 23rd Aug 2005
Industry Electrical installation
End of financial Year 31st January
Company age 19 years old
Account next due date Thu, 31st Oct 2024 (10 days after)
Account last made up date Tue, 31st Jan 2023
Next confirmation statement due date Fri, 6th Sep 2024 (2024-09-06)
Last confirmation statement dated Wed, 23rd Aug 2023

Company staff

Lianne H.

Position: Director

Appointed: 23 August 2005

Lianne H.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 23 August 2005

Stuart H.

Position: Director

Appointed: 23 August 2005

Crs Legal Services Limited

Position: Corporate Nominee Secretary

Appointed: 23 August 2005

Resigned: 23 August 2005

Mc Formations Limited

Position: Corporate Nominee Director

Appointed: 23 August 2005

Resigned: 23 August 2005

People with significant control

The register of PSCs that own or control the company consists of 2 names. As we discovered, there is Lianne H. The abovementioned PSC has 25-50% voting rights and has 25-50% shares. Another one in the PSC register is Stuart H. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights.

Lianne H.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Stuart H.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2015-01-312016-01-312017-01-312018-01-312019-01-312020-01-312021-01-312022-01-312023-01-312024-01-31
Net Worth56982 780        
Balance Sheet
Current Assets43 602301 251222 509133 13095 06436 15653 69127 12419 36622 553
Debtors13 591298 664 120 13291 06424 12535 92216 1968 43919 289
Net Assets Liabilities 82 780106 26948 57532 93138 53745 32147 92543 33263 536
Other Debtors   1 3842 8291 6581 734183183182
Property Plant Equipment   6 011759121 403141 619136 280175 294246 280
Total Inventories   12 2724 00012 03117 76910 92810 9283 264
Cash Bank On Hand   726      
Cash Bank In Hand23 5403        
Intangible Fixed Assets1 500         
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability56982 780        
Stocks Inventory6 4712 584        
Tangible Fixed Assets13 16723 146        
Called Up Share Capital22        
Profit Loss Account Reserve56782 778        
Shareholder Funds56982 780        
Accrued Liabilities     1 5801 5801 5801 6752 017
Accrued Liabilities Not Expressed Within Creditors Subtotal -560-560-1 399      
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets   15 00015 00015 00015 00015 00015 00015 000
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment   34 95641 29925 49118 93628 31437 59643 655
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment      29 7134 03948 29677 045
Average Number Employees During Period   2222222
Bank Borrowings      46 42040 14836 39435 041
Bank Overdrafts     20 63527 26826 81215 11722 297
Creditors 71 20342 67589 31762 892118 84161 81252 05287 68572 186
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment     19 400-16 052   
Disposals Property Plant Equipment     19 400-16 052   
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total   2 709  15 3923 4883 4893 646
Fixed Assets14 66723 14615 3646 011759121 403    
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment    6 3433 5929 4989 3789 2826 059
Intangible Assets Gross Cost   15 00015 00015 00015 00015 00015 00015 000
Net Current Assets Liabilities19 160135 467137 17943 81332 172-82 685-31 131-33 372-43 110-110 515
Other Creditors   1 4079 90565 56011 5793 1263 71661 495
Other Inventories     12 0317 65010 92810 9283 264
Other Remaining Borrowings        42 87532 375
Prepayments     1 6581 5429351981 515
Prepayments Accrued Income Not Expressed Within Current Asset Subtotal 1 1851 1661 384      
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost   40 96742 058146 894160 555164 594212 890289 935
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal 4 6303 0391 249 1813 3552 9311 16743
Taxation Social Security Payable     31 33736 77520 11920 27127 742
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities33 827158 613152 54349 82432 93138 718110 488102 908132 184135 765
Total Borrowings     20 63515 39252 05287 68572 186
Trade Creditors Trade Payables   53 9957 1491 308552 2 339 
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables   49 14850 25311 50732 64615 0788 05717 592
Work In Progress     10 95910 119   
Company Contributions To Money Purchase Plans Directors     6 0006 0006 000  
Director Remuneration     24 78325 00025 117  
Amounts Recoverable On Contracts   69 60037 98210 960    
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts    28 77820 635    
Other Taxation Social Security Payable   31 20617 06031 338    
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment    1 091124 236    
Amount Due From To Related Party -64 419        
Creditors Due After One Year30 58671 203        
Creditors Due Within One Year24 442165 784        
Number Shares Allotted22        
Par Value Share 1        
Provisions For Liabilities Charges2 6724 630        
Value Shares Allotted22        

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control
Total exemption full accounts data made up to 2023-01-31
filed on: 9th, June 2023
Free Download (13 pages)

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