Alex & started in year 2005 as Private Limited Company with registration number 05578044. The Alex & company has been functioning successfully for twenty years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Manchester at 33 Liverpool Road. Postal code: M3 4NQ.
The company has 3 directors, namely Bechir B., Yasmin B. and Alexander B.. Of them, Alexander B. has been with the company the longest, being appointed on 29 September 2005 and Bechir B. has been with the company for the least time - from 19 October 2015. As of 22 January 2025, there were 2 ex secretaries - Vernon M., Bechir B. and others listed below. There were no ex directors.
Office Address | 33 Liverpool Road |
Town | Manchester |
Post code | M3 4NQ |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Registration Number | 05578044 |
Date of Incorporation | Thu, 29th Sep 2005 |
Industry | Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis |
End of financial Year | 31st May |
Company age | 20 years old |
Account next due date | Thu, 29th Feb 2024 (328 days after) |
Account last made up date | Tue, 31st May 2022 |
Next confirmation statement due date | Fri, 13th Oct 2023 (2023-10-13) |
Last confirmation statement dated | Thu, 29th Sep 2022 |
The list of PSCs who own or control the company consists of 2 names. As we identified, there is Yasmin B. The abovementioned PSC has 25-50% voting rights and has 25-50% shares. The second one in the persons with significant control register is Alexander B. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights.
Yasmin B.
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights 25-50% shares |
Alexander B.
Notified on | 6 May 2016 |
Nature of control: |
25-50% voting rights 25-50% shares |
Profit & Loss | |||||||||
Accounts Information Date | 2015-05-31 | 2016-05-31 | 2017-05-31 | 2018-05-31 | 2019-05-31 | 2020-05-31 | 2021-05-31 | 2022-05-31 | 2023-05-31 |
Net Worth | 255 857 | 460 592 | |||||||
Balance Sheet | |||||||||
Cash Bank On Hand | 534 975 | 544 484 | 789 341 | 1 232 462 | 1 018 713 | 1 065 251 | 965 470 | 1 599 932 | |
Current Assets | 527 020 | 817 117 | 816 348 | 922 880 | 1 262 803 | 1 065 054 | 1 078 741 | 1 013 229 | 1 640 218 |
Debtors | 101 593 | 282 142 | 271 864 | 133 539 | 30 341 | 46 341 | 13 490 | 47 759 | 40 286 |
Net Assets Liabilities | 460 592 | 598 024 | 630 063 | 574 979 | 657 135 | 749 649 | 780 229 | 758 261 | |
Other Debtors | 281 209 | 21 206 | 132 734 | 30 341 | 46 341 | 13 490 | |||
Property Plant Equipment | 7 652 | 7 750 | 7 093 | 9 901 | 10 535 | 7 634 | 6 746 | 3 813 | |
Cash Bank In Hand | 425 427 | 534 975 | |||||||
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability | 255 857 | 460 592 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets | 8 389 | 7 652 | |||||||
Reserves/Capital | |||||||||
Called Up Share Capital | 100 | 100 | |||||||
Profit Loss Account Reserve | 255 757 | 460 492 | |||||||
Shareholder Funds | 255 857 | 460 592 | |||||||
Other | |||||||||
Version Production Software | 24 | ||||||||
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | |||
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 46 015 | 48 721 | 51 218 | 54 829 | 58 804 | 63 660 | 70 107 | ||
Average Number Employees During Period | 7 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | ||
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts | 3 759 | 3 759 | 3 759 | 3 759 | 50 000 | 50 000 | |||
Corporation Tax Payable | 99 986 | 117 131 | 10 686 | 16 353 | 44 095 | 77 509 | |||
Creditors | 9 810 | 7 103 | 4 159 | 756 | 50 000 | 50 000 | 29 575 | 884 817 | |
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | 2 706 | 2 497 | 3 611 | 3 975 | 4 856 | 2 933 | |||
Intangible Assets Gross Cost | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | 18 500 | |||
Net Current Assets Liabilities | 249 146 | 464 281 | 598 966 | 628 477 | 567 715 | 698 602 | 794 017 | 804 340 | 755 401 |
Other Creditors | 4 019 | 4 161 | 406 336 | 274 640 | 182 921 | ||||
Other Taxation Social Security Payable | 26 061 | 1 251 | 746 | 1 365 | 45 522 | 22 102 | |||
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 53 667 | 56 471 | 58 311 | 64 730 | 69 339 | 71 294 | 73 920 | ||
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal | 1 531 | 1 589 | 1 348 | 1 881 | 2 002 | 2 002 | 1 282 | 953 | |
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | 2 804 | 1 840 | 6 419 | 4 609 | 1 955 | ||||
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 257 535 | 471 933 | 606 716 | 635 570 | 577 616 | 709 137 | 801 651 | 811 086 | 759 214 |
Trade Creditors Trade Payables | 1 | 581 | 387 | 387 | |||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors | 249 880 | ||||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors | 249 880 | ||||||||
Accrued Liabilities | 4 041 | 3 199 | 8 199 | 8 201 | |||||
Creditors Due After One Year | 9 810 | ||||||||
Creditors Due Within One Year | 277 874 | 352 836 | |||||||
Fixed Assets | 8 389 | 7 652 | 7 750 | 7 093 | 9 901 | 6 746 | 3 813 | ||
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment | 18 500 | ||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 18 500 | ||||||||
Number Shares Allotted | 100 | ||||||||
Par Value Share | 1 | ||||||||
Payments Received On Account | 55 000 | 80 000 | |||||||
Prepayments | 933 | 778 | 805 | ||||||
Prepayments Accrued Income | 30 341 | ||||||||
Provisions For Liabilities Charges | 1 678 | 1 531 | |||||||
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid | 100 | 100 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions | 2 347 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 51 320 | 53 667 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation | 42 931 | 46 015 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period | 3 084 |
Type | Category | Free download | |
AA |
Total exemption full company accounts data drawn up to May 31, 2023 filed on: 12th, August 2024 |
accounts | Free Download (8 pages) |
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