T Jones Fabrications (riddings) Limited DERBY

T Jones Fabrications (riddings) started in year 2011 as Private Limited Company with registration number 07863234. The T Jones Fabrications (riddings) company has been functioning successfully for 14 years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Derby at Charter House Wyvern Court, Stanier Way. Postal code: DE21 6BF.

The firm has 2 directors, namely Christopher C., Emma W.. Of them, Christopher C., Emma W. have been with the company the longest, being appointed on 31 December 2021. As of 6 February 2025, there were 2 ex directors - David J., Ian W. and others listed below. There were no ex secretaries.

T Jones Fabrications (riddings) Limited Address / Contact

Office Address Charter House Wyvern Court, Stanier Way
Office Address2 Wyvern Business Park
Town Derby
Post code DE21 6BF
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 07863234
Date of Incorporation Mon, 28th Nov 2011
Industry Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.
End of financial Year 31st December
Company age 14 years old
Account next due date Mon, 30th Sep 2024 (129 days after)
Account last made up date Sat, 31st Dec 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Thu, 14th Nov 2024 (2024-11-14)
Last confirmation statement dated Tue, 31st Oct 2023

Company staff

Christopher C.

Position: Director

Appointed: 31 December 2021

Emma W.

Position: Director

Appointed: 31 December 2021

David J.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 November 2011

Resigned: 31 December 2021

Ian W.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 November 2011

Resigned: 31 December 2021

People with significant control

The register of persons with significant control that own or have control over the company is made up of 4 names. As we established, there is Christopher C. The abovementioned PSC has 25-50% voting rights and has 25-50% shares. Another entity in the persons with significant control register is Emma W. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights. The third one is Ian W., who also fulfils the Companies House criteria to be indexed as a PSC. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights.

Christopher C.

Notified on 5 January 2022
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Emma W.

Notified on 31 December 2021
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Ian W.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Ceased on 31 December 2021
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

David J.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Ceased on 31 December 2021
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2013-12-312014-12-312015-12-312016-12-312017-12-312018-12-312019-12-312020-12-312021-12-312022-12-312023-12-31
Net Worth196 010252 748253 118        
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank In Hand115 950188 944165 113        
Cash Bank On Hand  165 113246 387387 403419 352593 939449 878320 649120 444233 356
Current Assets315 654358 977352 520489 474564 507650 093813 007724 010471 066818 8481 141 004
Debtors160 579142 824156 163224 181133 123158 745153 395195 723103 983600 548803 472
Intangible Fixed Assets3 3682 2481 128        
Net Assets Liabilities  253 118345 038431 035534 522697 631676 174483 477613 800840 076
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability196 010252 748253 118        
Other Debtors     7 2727 96938 8693 863422 987531 174
Property Plant Equipment  10 7439 05254 43892 139109 45686 25966 46258 08249 769
Stocks Inventory39 12527 20929 327        
Tangible Fixed Assets12 33011 72510 743        
Total Inventories  29 32716 90338 94566 50665 67367 95941 55988 70077 761
Called Up Share Capital888        
Profit Loss Account Reserve196 002252 740253 110        
Shareholder Funds196 010252 748253 118        
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors     3 636 38 565   
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors     3 636 38 565   
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Repaid In Period Directors      3 636 38 565  
Accrued Liabilities Not Expressed Within Creditors Subtotal  18 82012 4323 2182 2882 2952 7584 0976 8552 654
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets  4 4825 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 610 
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment  13 44216 34224 62441 93667 49994 560115 542132 018133 037
Average Number Employees During Period  121215171718181314
Creditors  91 818140 160174 936188 500205 615114 41537 648245 508338 587
Creditors Due Within One Year134 536119 218110 638        
Fixed Assets15 69813 97311 8719 05254 43892 139109 45686 25966 46258 08249 769
Future Minimum Lease Payments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases   19 51918 475      
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets   1 128       
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment   2 9008 28217 31225 56327 06120 98216 47614 366
Intangible Assets  1 128        
Intangible Assets Gross Cost  5 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 6105 610 
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment2 2423 3624 482        
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period 1 1201 120        
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation5 6105 610         
Net Current Assets Liabilities181 118239 759260 702349 314389 571461 593607 392609 595433 418573 340802 417
Number Shares Allotted 88        
Other Creditors  3921 297728 7281 369 1 7092 032
Other Taxation Social Security Payable  91 426138 863153 612142 226169 74693 88027 393199 409306 441
Par Value Share 11        
Prepayments Accrued Income Not Expressed Within Current Asset Subtotal  1 9172 0035 0365 490 10 4504 8759 15626 415
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost  24 18525 39479 062134 075176 955180 819182 004190 100182 806
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal  6358969 75716 92216 92216 92212 30610 7679 456
Provisions For Liabilities Charges806984635        
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid888        
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 2 8362 350        
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation19 49922 33524 185        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation7 16910 61013 442        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 3 4412 853        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals  21        
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals  500        
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment   1 20953 66855 01342 8803 8641 1858 09610 057
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities196 816253 732272 573358 366444 009553 732716 848695 854499 880631 422852 186
Trade Creditors Trade Payables    20 59646 27435 14119 16610 25544 39030 114
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables  156 163224 181133 123151 473145 426156 854100 120177 561272 298
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment          13 347
Disposals Property Plant Equipment          17 351

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Confirmation statement with updates Thu, 31st Oct 2024
filed on: 11th, November 2024
Free Download (4 pages)

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