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S.s. Decorators Limited STANMORE

S.s. Decorators started in year 2009 as Private Limited Company with registration number 07067035. The S.s. Decorators company has been functioning successfully for sixteen years now and its status is active - proposal to strike off. The firm's office is based in Stanmore at 5a Parr Road. Postal code: HA7 1NP.

S.s. Decorators Limited Address / Contact

Office Address 5a Parr Road
Town Stanmore
Post code HA7 1NP
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 07067035
Date of Incorporation Thu, 5th Nov 2009
Industry Other building completion and finishing
End of financial Year 30th November
Company age 16 years old
Account next due date Thu, 30th Nov 2023 (439 days after)
Account last made up date Tue, 30th Nov 2021
Next confirmation statement due date Sat, 19th Nov 2022 (2022-11-19)
Last confirmation statement dated Fri, 5th Nov 2021

Company staff

Silvestre D.

Position: Director

Appointed: 22 January 2010

Cesar M.

Position: Director

Appointed: 05 November 2009

Resigned: 22 January 2010

People with significant control

The register of PSCs who own or have control over the company consists of 1 name. As we found, there is Silvestre D. The abovementioned PSC has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares.

Silvestre D.

Notified on 1 September 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2011-11-302012-11-302013-11-302014-11-302015-11-302016-11-302017-11-302018-11-302019-11-302020-11-302021-11-302022-11-302023-11-30
Net Worth-7 727-16 237-8 997-1 589-1 025-939       
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand     20 31616 5556 11926 602 50 18832 31322 917
Current Assets26 16040 31646 97559 56866 49727 41722 71617 88126 60226 60258 31832 31222 917
Debtors26 16026 16131 38834 19127 5647 1026 16111 762     
Net Assets Liabilities     -938-12 784-14 85114 80214 80222 256-43 606-47 288
Property Plant Equipment     2 5652 0521 6411 314 841673538
Cash Bank In Hand 14 15515 58725 37738 93320 315       
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability-7 727-15 041-8 997-1 589-1 025-939       
Tangible Fixed Assets7 8316 2655 0124 0093 2072 565       
Trade Debtors26 16035 14531 38834 19127 564        
Called Up Share Capital111111       
Profit Loss Account Reserve-7 728-15 042-8 998-1 590-1 026-940       
Shareholder Funds-7 727-16 237-8 997-1 589-1 025-939       
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment     9 67110 18410 59410 922 11 39511 56311 698
Administrative Expenses     19 23115 683      
Average Number Employees During Period       111111
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts2 669         51 67047 013 
Cost Sales     31 36213 933      
Creditors     30 92137 55234 37342 71842 71881 62529 58029 940
Fixed Assets7 8316 2655 0124 0093 2072 5652 0521 6421 3141 0511 051673538
Gross Profit Loss     19 3183 837      
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment      513411328  168135
Net Current Assets Liabilities-15 558-21 306-14 009-5 598-4 232-3 504-14 836-16 49216 11623 30723 3072 732-7 023
Operating Profit Loss     87-11 846      
Other Creditors       14 18214 614  47 01240 803
Profit Loss     87-11 846      
Profit Loss On Ordinary Activities Before Tax     87-11 846      
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost     12 23612 23612 23612 236 12 23612 23612 236
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities-7 727-16 237-8 997-1 589-1 025-939-15 484-14 85114 80214 80222 2563 406-6 485
Trade Creditors Trade Payables     30 92137 55220 19228 104 28 71729 58029 940
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables     7 1026 16111 762     
Turnover Revenue     50 68017 770      
Creditors Due Within One Year41 71861 62260 98465 16670 72930 921       
Number Shares Allotted111111       
Other Creditors Due Within One Year13 00313 00313 00313 00313 002        
Par Value Share111111       
Profit Loss For Period-6 792-8 510           
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid111111       
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation12 23612 23612 23612 23612 23612 236       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation4 4055 9717 2248 2279 0299 671       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 1 5661 2531 002802642       
Trade Creditors Within One Year26 04652 25947 98152 16357 727        

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Annual return Confirmation statement Gazette Incorporation Officers
Total exemption full company accounts data drawn up to November 30, 2023
filed on: 30th, August 2024
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