Sarah Styles Interiors Ltd is a private limited company that can be found at Sarah Styles Florist, 2 Bridge Street, Hungerford RG17 0EH. Its net worth is estimated to be 0 pounds, while the fixed assets that belong to the company come to 0 pounds. Incorporated on 2018-02-01, this 6-year-old company is run by 1 director and 1 secretary.
Director Sarah S., appointed on 01 February 2018.
Changing the topic to secretaries, we can name: Sarah S., appointed on 01 February 2018.
The company is classified as "retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store" (SIC code: 47599). According to Companies House data there was a change of name on 2022-04-20 and their previous name was Sarah Styles Florist (Marlborough) Ltd.
The last confirmation statement was filed on 2023-04-19 and the due date for the following filing is 2024-05-03. Likewise, the statutory accounts were filed on 31 January 2023 and the next filing is due on 31 October 2024.
Office Address | Sarah Styles Florist |
Office Address2 | 2 Bridge Street |
Town | Hungerford |
Post code | RG17 0EH |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Registration Number | 11181220 |
Date of Incorporation | Thu, 1st Feb 2018 |
Industry | Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store |
End of financial Year | 31st January |
Company age | 6 years old |
Account next due date | Thu, 31st Oct 2024 (34 days after) |
Account last made up date | Tue, 31st Jan 2023 |
Next confirmation statement due date | Fri, 3rd May 2024 (2024-05-03) |
Last confirmation statement dated | Wed, 19th Apr 2023 |
The register of persons with significant control who own or control the company is made up of 1 name. As we discovered, there is Sarah S. The abovementioned PSC has significiant influence or control over the company,.
Sarah S.
Notified on | 1 February 2018 |
Nature of control: |
significiant influence or control |
Sarah Styles Florist (marlborough) | April 20, 2022 |
Profit & Loss | ||||||
Accounts Information Date | 2019-02-28 | 2020-02-28 | 2021-01-31 | 2022-01-31 | 2023-01-31 | 2024-01-31 |
Balance Sheet | ||||||
Current Assets | 1 326 | 10 347 | 23 539 | |||
Net Assets Liabilities | 1 752 | 806 | 806 | -806 | -6 106 | 9 363 |
Other | ||||||
Creditors | 3 078 | 806 | 806 | 806 | 16 453 | 14 176 |
Net Current Assets Liabilities | 1 752 | 806 | 806 | -806 | -6 106 | 9 363 |
Other Operating Expenses Format2 | 8 031 | |||||
Profit Loss | -1 753 | |||||
Raw Materials Consumables Used | 1 431 | |||||
Staff Costs Employee Benefits Expense | 26 740 | |||||
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 1 752 | 806 | 806 | -806 | -6 106 | 9 363 |
Turnover Revenue | 34 449 | |||||
Average Number Employees During Period | 2 | 2 |
Type | Category | Free download | |
CS01 |
Confirmation statement with no updates 2024-04-19 filed on: 30th, April 2024 |
confirmation statement | Free Download (3 pages) |
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