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P.k.j. Flooring (UK) Limited WIGAN

Founded in 2003, P.k.j. Flooring (UK), classified under reg no. 04776281 is an active company. Currently registered at Lassell House WN6 9RE, Wigan the company has been in the business for twenty one years. Its financial year was closed on Fri, 31st May and its latest financial statement was filed on May 31, 2023.

The company has one director. Paul K., appointed on 23 May 2003. There are currently no secretaries appointed. As of 6 November 2024, there was 1 ex secretary - Shirley K.. There were no ex directors.

P.k.j. Flooring (UK) Limited Address / Contact

Office Address Lassell House
Office Address2 Mossy Lea Road Wrightington
Town Wigan
Post code WN6 9RE
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 04776281
Date of Incorporation Fri, 23rd May 2003
Industry Floor and wall covering
End of financial Year 31st May
Company age 21 years old
Account next due date Fri, 28th Feb 2025 (114 days left)
Account last made up date Wed, 31st May 2023
Next confirmation statement due date Thu, 6th Jun 2024 (2024-06-06)
Last confirmation statement dated Tue, 23rd May 2023

Company staff

Paul K.

Position: Director

Appointed: 23 May 2003

Shirley K.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 23 May 2003

Resigned: 05 September 2022

People with significant control

The list of PSCs that own or control the company consists of 1 name. As we found, there is Paul K. The abovementioned PSC and has 50,01-75% shares.

Paul K.

Notified on 5 July 2016
Nature of control: 50,01-75% shares

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2015-05-312016-05-312017-05-312018-05-312019-05-312020-05-312021-05-312022-05-312023-05-31
Net Worth-2 091217       
Balance Sheet
Debtors36 69543 66440 87356 70741 49229 28824 22125 83712 466
Net Assets Liabilities 21727114 6656 3546 13412172024 704
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability-2 091217       
Other Debtors 43 66440 87356 70741 49229 28824 22125 83712 466
Property Plant Equipment 20 15721 45433 08027 05732 13925 72420 66916 670
Tangible Fixed Assets25 49420 157       
Cash Bank On Hand     1 593 50339 711
Current Assets    41 49230 88124 22126 34052 177
Called Up Share Capital8080       
Profit Loss Account Reserve-2 171137       
Shareholder Funds-2 091217       
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors9 64910 48112 471      
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors 53 83258 990      
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Repaid In Period Directors 53 00057 00012 471     
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment 30 61229 96434 58540 60839 25645 67150 72654 725
Additional Provisions Increase From New Provisions Recognised In Profit Or Loss  2232 031-1 144965  -707
Average Number Employees During Period  2222221
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts 5 9808 1567 30710 763 20 00015 62211 701
Creditors 6 5399 6555 3641 07310 09025 79716 80711 701
Creditors Due After One Year10 6696 539       
Creditors Due Within One Year48 51253 034       
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment  5 677  9 521   
Disposals Property Plant Equipment  16 516  17 165   
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total 6 5399 6555 3641 07310 0905 7971 1851 185
Increase Decrease In Property Plant Equipment  17 165  20 895   
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment  5 0294 6216 0238 1696 415 3 999
Net Current Assets Liabilities-11 817-9 370-7 274-6 766-14 489-9 8095 08378622 956
Number Shares Allotted 80       
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid  8080808080 80
Other Creditors 2 2502 2503 8802 4192 7212 4054 8817 017
Other Taxation Social Security Payable 39 24331 97129 45137 50128 3177 1087 83813 420
Par Value Share 111111 1
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost 50 76951 41867 66567 66571 395 71 395 
Provisions 4 0314 2546 2855 1416 1064 8893 9283 221
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal 4 0314 2546 2855 1416 1064 8893 9283 221
Provisions For Liabilities Charges5 0994 031       
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid8080       
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation50 769        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation25 27530 612       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 5 337       
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment  17 16516 247 20 895   
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities13 67710 78714 18026 31412 56822 33030 80721 45539 626
Trade Creditors Trade Payables 1 4311 47918 5431 0075 4902 8674 4123 786
Additional Provisions Increase From New Provisions Recognised      -1 217  
Advances Credits Directors9 64910 481       
Advances Credits Made In Period Directors54 382        
Advances Credits Repaid In Period Directors54 500        

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
Confirmation statement with no updates May 23, 2024
filed on: 29th, May 2024
Free Download (3 pages)

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