Jack Brunsdon & Son started in year 1964 as Private Limited Company with registration number 00818979. The Jack Brunsdon & Son company has been functioning successfully for sixty one years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Witney at The Old Mill Blenheim Sawmills. Postal code: OX29 8ET. Since January 30, 2015 Jack Brunsdon & Son Limited is no longer carrying the name Oxford Double Glazing.
The company has 2 directors, namely Jonna O., Morten V.. Of them, Morten V. has been with the company the longest, being appointed on 31 August 2020 and Jonna O. has been with the company for the least time - from 1 April 2022. At present there are several former directors listed by the company. In addition, the company lists several former secretaries. The full list of both former directors and former secretaries might be found in the box below.
Office Address | The Old Mill Blenheim Sawmills |
Office Address2 | Combe |
Town | Witney |
Post code | OX29 8ET |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Registration Number | 00818979 |
Date of Incorporation | Wed, 9th Sep 1964 |
Industry | Glazing |
End of financial Year | 31st December |
Company age | 61 years old |
Account next due date | Mon, 30th Sep 2024 (111 days after) |
Account last made up date | Sat, 31st Dec 2022 |
Next confirmation statement due date | Wed, 22nd Nov 2023 (2023-11-22) |
Last confirmation statement dated | Tue, 8th Nov 2022 |
The register of PSCs who own or have control over the company includes 1 name. As we established, there is Inwido Uk Limited from Tweedmouth, United Kingdom. The abovementioned PSC is categorised as "a limited", has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. The abovementioned PSC has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares.
Inwido Uk Limited
Allan House Ord Road, Hessle, Tweedmouth, East Yorkshire, TS15 2XU, United Kingdom
Legal authority | English |
Legal form | Limited |
Country registered | United Kingdom |
Place registered | Companies House |
Registration number | 01110137 |
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights right to appoint and remove directors |
Oxford Double Glazing | January 30, 2015 |
Profit & Loss | |||||||||||
Accounts Information Date | 2012-05-31 | 2013-11-30 | 2013-12-31 | 2014-12-31 | 2017-12-31 | 2018-12-31 | 2019-12-31 | 2020-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2023-12-31 |
Balance Sheet | |||||||||||
Cash Bank On Hand | 5 919 | 6 348 | |||||||||
Current Assets | 300 934 | 362 753 | 237 099 | 636 381 | 1 643 028 | 1 238 541 | 976 005 | 930 676 | 917 999 | 902 601 | 612 093 |
Debtors | 110 314 | 234 477 | 199 315 | 564 126 | 1 190 118 | 1 036 845 | 767 698 | 730 519 | 734 925 | 776 752 | 564 105 |
Net Assets Liabilities | -7 007 916 | -8 126 389 | |||||||||
Other Debtors | 914 159 | 866 773 | 529 175 | 529 175 | |||||||
Property Plant Equipment | 267 275 | 58 680 | 47 375 | 40 649 | 37 669 | 101 795 | 83 008 | ||||
Total Inventories | 446 991 | 195 348 | 208 307 | 200 157 | 183 074 | 125 849 | 47 988 | ||||
Cash Bank In Hand | 130 020 | 88 677 | 30 205 | 63 246 | |||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets | 93 333 | ||||||||||
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability | 263 | -179 598 | -220 427 | 8 103 | |||||||
Stocks Inventory | 60 600 | 39 599 | 7 579 | 9 009 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets | 70 890 | 75 553 | 74 460 | 93 998 | |||||||
Reserves/Capital | |||||||||||
Called Up Share Capital | 15 500 | 15 500 | 15 500 | 15 500 | |||||||
Profit Loss Account Reserve | -15 237 | -195 098 | -235 927 | -7 397 | |||||||
Other | |||||||||||
Audit Fees Expenses | 15 000 | 13 550 | 10 281 | 8 676 | 8 000 | 9 000 | 11 400 | ||||
Accrued Liabilities | 59 664 | 50 964 | 71 906 | 41 678 | 26 566 | 23 908 | 31 049 | ||||
Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income | 947 102 | 754 460 | 638 870 | 746 325 | 683 197 | 442 985 | 207 593 | ||||
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 409 845 | 605 639 | 236 586 | 246 347 | 249 827 | 267 389 | 250 736 | ||||
Administrative Expenses | 3 394 743 | 1 807 993 | 645 394 | 741 235 | 723 395 | 935 022 | 852 575 | ||||
Amounts Owed By Group Undertakings | 2 443 | ||||||||||
Amounts Owed To Group Undertakings | 7 278 065 | 7 881 712 | 7 463 504 | 7 478 627 | 7 482 390 | 85 931 | 118 060 | ||||
Average Number Employees During Period | 48 | 21 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 9 | 10 | ||||
Comprehensive Income Expense | -3 266 641 | -1 118 473 | 301 296 | 76 808 | 147 315 | 27 267 | -76 173 | ||||
Cost Sales | 4 795 823 | 2 919 764 | 2 270 755 | 1 678 294 | 2 173 748 | 2 198 767 | 1 809 087 | ||||
Creditors | 5 162 | 9 423 610 | 8 848 473 | 8 719 610 | 8 556 638 | 807 099 | 573 977 | ||||
Depreciation Expense Property Plant Equipment | 118 272 | 55 667 | 10 079 | 9 761 | 13 257 | 17 562 | 19 541 | ||||
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 12 461 | 379 132 | 9 777 | 36 194 | |||||||
Disposals Property Plant Equipment | 14 883 | 380 358 | 13 259 | 43 686 | |||||||
Distribution Costs | 57 299 | 532 | |||||||||
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total | 5 162 | ||||||||||
Further Item Interest Expense Component Total Interest Expense | 2 151 | 1 600 | |||||||||
Future Minimum Lease Payments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases | 228 465 | 109 947 | 79 739 | 65 105 | 89 658 | 119 663 | 107 653 | ||||
Gain Loss Due To Foreign Exchange Differences Recognised In Profit Or Loss | -32 078 | 373 | 2 979 | 4 372 | 2 349 | -5 382 | -1 027 | ||||
Gain Loss On Disposals Property Plant Equipment | -147 797 | -3 482 | -7 493 | ||||||||
Gross Profit Loss | 190 209 | 691 941 | 946 690 | 818 043 | 870 710 | 962 289 | 765 977 | ||||
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | 55 667 | 10 079 | 9 761 | 13 257 | 17 562 | 19 541 | |||||
Increase From Impairment Loss Recognised In Profit Or Loss Property Plant Equipment | 152 588 | ||||||||||
Interest Expense On Obligations Under Finance Leases Hire Purchase Contracts | 2 657 | 289 | |||||||||
Interest Payable Similar Charges Finance Costs | 4 808 | 1 889 | |||||||||
Issue Equity Instruments | 7 771 000 | ||||||||||
Merchandise | 10 625 | 10 625 | 10 625 | 10 625 | 10 625 | 10 625 | 10 625 | ||||
Net Current Assets Liabilities | -70 627 | -254 712 | -294 887 | -179 228 | -7 270 029 | -8 185 069 | |||||
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid | 2 142 | 2 142 | 2 142 | 2 142 | 7 773 142 | 7 773 142 | |||||
Operating Profit Loss | -3 261 833 | -1 116 584 | 301 296 | ||||||||
Other Creditors | 392 880 | 413 524 | 215 710 | 176 062 | 128 597 | 85 311 | 72 657 | ||||
Other Operating Income Format1 | 10 425 | ||||||||||
Other Taxation Social Security Payable | 30 744 | 22 976 | 12 292 | 10 385 | 14 110 | 9 459 | 14 889 | ||||
Par Value Share | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||
Pension Other Post-employment Benefit Costs Other Pension Costs | 13 492 | 18 184 | 10 362 | 9 854 | 9 549 | 9 970 | 15 327 | ||||
Prepayments | 206 978 | 148 124 | 95 734 | 105 576 | 156 951 | 159 071 | 74 717 | ||||
Profit Loss | -3 266 641 | -1 118 473 | 301 296 | 76 808 | 147 315 | 27 267 | -76 173 | ||||
Profit Loss On Ordinary Activities Before Tax | -3 266 641 | -1 118 473 | 301 296 | 76 808 | 147 315 | 27 267 | -76 173 | ||||
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 677 120 | 664 319 | 283 961 | 286 996 | 287 496 | 369 184 | 333 744 | ||||
Restructuring Costs | 398 687 | 435 207 | |||||||||
Social Security Costs | 69 804 | 67 978 | 34 672 | 30 765 | 34 713 | 34 730 | 45 700 | ||||
Staff Costs Employee Benefits Expense | 1 759 596 | 742 746 | 333 704 | 331 592 | 379 377 | 377 215 | 448 037 | ||||
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | 2 082 | 3 035 | 13 759 | 81 688 | 8 246 | ||||||
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | -7 002 754 | -8 126 389 | |||||||||
Total Liabilities | 1 297 221 | 1 023 380 | 971 325 | 955 668 | 1 004 396 | 695 101 | |||||
Total Operating Lease Payments | 242 525 | 141 492 | 73 899 | 84 156 | 61 958 | 71 052 | 105 557 | ||||
Trade Creditors Trade Payables | 78 974 | 127 599 | 76 981 | 103 447 | 71 177 | 33 816 | 42 526 | ||||
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables | 66 538 | 21 948 | 142 789 | 95 768 | 54 174 | 86 381 | 42 088 | ||||
Turnover Revenue | 4 986 032 | 3 611 705 | 3 217 445 | 2 496 337 | 3 044 458 | 3 161 056 | 2 575 064 | ||||
Value-added Tax Payable | 108 963 | 172 375 | |||||||||
Wages Salaries | 1 676 300 | 656 584 | 288 670 | 290 973 | 335 115 | 332 515 | 387 010 | ||||
Work In Progress | 436 366 | 184 723 | 197 682 | 189 532 | 172 449 | 115 224 | 37 363 | ||||
Further Operating Expense Item Component Total Operating Expenses | -13 290 | ||||||||||
Taxation Social Security Payable | 172 375 | 369 210 | 163 086 | ||||||||
Advances Credits Directors | 270 000 | ||||||||||
Advances Credits Repaid In Period Directors | -270 000 | ||||||||||
Capital Employed | 263 | -179 598 | -220 427 | 8 103 | |||||||
Creditors Due Within One Year | 371 561 | 617 904 | 531 986 | 815 609 | |||||||
Fixed Assets | 74 460 | 187 331 | |||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Additions | 100 000 | ||||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment | 6 667 | ||||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period | 6 667 | ||||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 100 000 | ||||||||||
Number Shares Allotted | 15 500 | 15 500 | 15 500 | ||||||||
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid | 15 500 | 15 500 | 15 500 | 15 500 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions | 42 396 | 1 132 | 88 156 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 179 531 | 210 607 | 211 341 | 299 497 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation | 108 641 | 135 054 | 136 881 | 205 499 | |||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period | 34 347 | 1 827 | 68 618 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals | 7 934 | ||||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals | 11 320 | 398 |
Type | Category | Free download | |
AA |
Full accounts data made up to December 31, 2023 filed on: 19th, August 2024 |
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