Noisestop Systems LLP YORK

Noisestop Systems LLP is a limited liability partnership located at 18 Coda Avenue, Bishopthorpe, York YO23 2SE. Its net worth is valued to be roughly 0 pounds, and the fixed assets the company owns amount to 0 pounds. Incorporated on 2018-02-20, this 6-year-old.
The latest confirmation statement was filed on 2023-02-19 and the deadline for the next filing is 2024-03-04. Moreover, the annual accounts were filed on 05 April 2022 and the next filing is due on 05 January 2024.

Noisestop Systems LLP Address / Contact

Office Address 18 Coda Avenue
Office Address2 Bishopthorpe
Town York
Post code YO23 2SE
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number OC421127
Date of Incorporation Tue, 20th Feb 2018
End of financial Year 5th April
Company age 6 years old
Account next due date Fri, 5th Jan 2024 (334 days after)
Account last made up date Tue, 5th Apr 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Mon, 4th Mar 2024 (2024-03-04)
Last confirmation statement dated Sun, 19th Feb 2023

Company staff

Enid B.

Position: LLP Designated Member

Appointed: 02 April 2019

Corinne C.

Position: LLP Designated Member

Appointed: 20 February 2018

Michael C.

Position: LLP Designated Member

Appointed: 20 February 2018

Enid B.

Position: LLP Designated Member

Appointed: 20 February 2018

Resigned: 01 April 2019

People with significant control

The list of persons with significant control that own or have control over the company is made up of 4 names. As BizStats researched, there is Enid B. This PSC has 25-50% voting rights. Another entity in the PSC register is Corinne C. This PSC and has 25-50% voting rights. The third one is Michael C., who also meets the Companies House conditions to be categorised as a person with significant control. This PSC and has 25-50% voting rights.

Enid B.

Notified on 2 April 2019
Nature of control: right to manage 25% to 50% of surplus assets
25-50% voting rights

Corinne C.

Notified on 20 February 2018
Nature of control: right to manage 25% to 50% of surplus assets
25-50% voting rights

Michael C.

Notified on 20 February 2018
Nature of control: right to manage 25% to 50% of surplus assets
25-50% voting rights

Enid B.

Notified on 20 February 2018
Ceased on 1 April 2019
Nature of control: right to manage 25% to 50% of surplus assets
25-50% voting rights

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2019-04-052020-04-052021-04-052022-04-052023-04-05
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand63 09663 02871 19562 47452 608
Current Assets72 56469 50077 83684 81099 981
Debtors4 4681 4722 64122 33647 373
Other Debtors1 1751 1751 7163 9291 675
Property Plant Equipment49 28636 17748 93821 94316 311
Total Inventories5 0005 0004 000  
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets4 1848 36812 55116 73519 335
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment16 51433 02842 40323 39828 230
Administrative Expenses93 284    
Amortisation Expense Intangible Assets2 600    
Average Number Employees During Period3111 
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts52 89326 369   
Cost Sales554 858    
Creditors96 25134 41627 36620 31615 265
Depreciation Expense Property Plant Equipment319    
Fixed Assets77 43785 15468 72237 54329 311
Gross Profit Loss139 019    
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets4 1844 1844 1834 1842 600
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment31916 51412 4167 5895 632
Intangible Assets28 15123 96719 78415 60013 000
Intangible Assets Gross Cost32 33532 33532 33532 335 
Net Current Assets Liabilities-23 68712 8729 65225 92937 482
Other Creditors5 4332 2672 267  
Other Taxation Social Security Payable1 212385377  
Profit Loss45 735    
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost65 80069 20591 34145 34144 541
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Intangible Assets32 335    
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment1 1333 405167  
Trade Creditors Trade Payables28 92224 33215 20036 38249 369
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables3 2932 928  8 567
Turnover Revenue693 877    
Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income 79215 040  
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment   26 594800
Disposals Property Plant Equipment   46 000800
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total 34 41627 36620 31615 265
Prepayments   39990
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 123 04478 37463 47266 793

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers
Confirmation statement with no updates 19th February 2024
filed on: 19th, February 2024
Free Download (3 pages)

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