Interbake Limited EDENFIELD , BURY

Interbake started in year 1987 as Private Limited Company with registration number 02108387. The Interbake company has been functioning successfully for 38 years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Edenfield , Bury at Unit 2 Bridge Mills. Postal code: BL0 0RE. Since 1995-05-18 Interbake Limited is no longer carrying the name Northern Bakery Services.

The company has 2 directors, namely Theresa D., David D.. Of them, Theresa D., David D. have been with the company the longest, being appointed on 15 November 1991. As of 16 February 2025, our data shows no information about any ex officers on these positions.

Interbake Limited Address / Contact

Office Address Unit 2 Bridge Mills
Office Address2 Rochdale Rd
Town Edenfield , Bury
Post code BL0 0RE
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 02108387
Date of Incorporation Tue, 10th Mar 1987
Industry Wholesale of other machinery and equipment
End of financial Year 30th April
Company age 38 years old
Account next due date Wed, 31st Jan 2024 (382 days after)
Account last made up date Sat, 30th Apr 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Sat, 28th Sep 2024 (2024-09-28)
Last confirmation statement dated Thu, 14th Sep 2023

Company staff

Theresa D.

Position: Secretary


Theresa D.

Position: Director

Appointed: 15 November 1991

David D.

Position: Director

Appointed: 15 November 1991

People with significant control

The register of PSCs who own or control the company includes 2 names. As we identified, there is Theresa D. The abovementioned PSC and has 25-50% shares. The second one in the persons with significant control register is David D. This PSC owns 25-50% shares.

Theresa D.

Notified on 14 September 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% shares

David D.

Notified on 14 September 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% shares

Company previous names

Northern Bakery Services May 18, 1995

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2011-04-302012-04-302013-04-302014-04-302015-04-302016-04-302017-04-302018-04-302019-04-302020-04-302021-04-302022-04-302023-04-302024-04-30
Net Worth700 905768 491850 619853 436852 146886 071        
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand     183 595241 835359 232415 355517 628558 970759 091663 723683 773
Current Assets350 392432 350490 365480 252435 140530 326533 079572 042636 182707 492753 480953 457870 277881 133
Debtors94 74971 609204 255236 096226 686298 781279 369200 560209 702178 449182 975188 986171 704166 210
Net Assets Liabilities     886 071914 164946 293992 5661 073 0571 112 1931 264 9301 276 7471 274 362
Other Debtors     131 317131 095133 999136 417135 101133 821132 904131 614134 565
Property Plant Equipment     460 354469 627451 568441 713447 294434 569422 623460 324438 789
Total Inventories     47 95011 87512 25011 12511 41511 5355 38034 85031 150
Cash Bank In Hand250 893356 241283 360169 581125 954183 595        
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability700 905768 491850 619853 436852 146886 071        
Stocks Inventory4 7504 5002 75074 57582 50047 950        
Tangible Fixed Assets432 385424 518447 383453 361473 150460 354        
Called Up Share Capital200200200200200200        
Profit Loss Account Reserve700 705768 291850 419853 236851 946885 871        
Shareholder Funds700 905768 491850 619853 436852 146886 071        
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment     144 913161 615148 596155 835170 744177 255189 201200 850196 410
Average Number Employees During Period      75555443
Creditors     87 74970 76362 96972 85368 19364 738102 30238 38433 640
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment       31 9047 678 7 550  21 731
Disposals Property Plant Equipment       39 98113 014 8 550  25 975
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment      16 70218 88514 91714 90914 06111 94611 64917 291
Net Current Assets Liabilities279 188352 779417 502415 537398 416442 577462 316509 073563 329639 299688 742851 155831 893847 493
Other Creditors     31 81631 88032 00032 15232 26032 09435 60229 40622 300
Other Taxation Social Security Payable     55 93338 88330 96740 56535 71825 34666 7008 97811 340
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost     605 267631 242600 164597 548618 038611 824376 052661 174635 199
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal     16 86017 77914 34812 47613 53611 1188 84815 47011 920
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment      25 9758 90310 39820 4902 336 49 350 
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities711 573777 297864 885868 898871 566902 931931 943960 6411 005 0421 086 5931 123 3111 273 7781 292 2171 286 282
Trade Creditors Trade Payables       21362157 298   
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables     167 464148 27466 56173 28543 34849 15456 08240 09031 645
Creditors Due Within One Year Total Current Liabilities71 20479 571            
Fixed Assets432 385424 518447 383453 361473 150460 354        
Provisions For Liabilities Charges10 6688 80614 26615 46219 42016 860        
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 1 48539 02818 98336 4358 036        
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation545 416546 901556 997575 980605 253605 267        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation113 031122 383109 614122 619132 103144 913        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charge For Period 9 352            
Creditors Due Within One Year 79 57172 86364 71536 72487 749        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period  8 69813 00514 98619 404        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals  21 467 5 5026 594        
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals  28 932 7 1628 022        

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Total exemption full accounts data made up to 2023-04-30
filed on: 20th, January 2024
Free Download (8 pages)

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