Gwe Biogas Ltd DRIFFIELD

Founded in 2008, Gwe Biogas, classified under reg no. 06600650 is an active company. Currently registered at Sandhill Garton Road YO25 9DR, Driffield the company has been in the business for 17 years. Its financial year was closed on Mon, 30th Jun and its latest financial statement was filed on Thursday 30th June 2022. Since Tuesday 5th May 2009 Gwe Biogas Ltd is no longer carrying the name Green Wold Energy.

Currently there are 2 directors in the the company, namely Mathew G. and Thomas M.. In addition one secretary - Thomas M. - is with the firm. As of 11 February 2025, there was 1 ex director - John M.. There were no ex secretaries.

This company operates within the YO25 9DR postal code. The company is dealing with transport and has been registered as such. Its registration number is OB2004917 . It is located at Sandhill, Garton Road, Driffield with a total of 2 carsand 8 trailers.

Gwe Biogas Ltd Address / Contact

Office Address Sandhill Garton Road
Office Address2 Kirkburn
Town Driffield
Post code YO25 9DR
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 06600650
Date of Incorporation Thu, 22nd May 2008
Industry Production of electricity
Industry Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste
End of financial Year 30th June
Company age 17 years old
Account next due date Sun, 31st Mar 2024 (317 days after)
Account last made up date Thu, 30th Jun 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Wed, 5th Jun 2024 (2024-06-05)
Last confirmation statement dated Mon, 22nd May 2023

Company staff

Mathew G.

Position: Director

Appointed: 22 May 2008

Thomas M.

Position: Director

Appointed: 22 May 2008

Thomas M.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 22 May 2008

John M.

Position: Director

Appointed: 01 December 2008

Resigned: 10 June 2014

Temple Secretaries Limited

Position: Corporate Secretary

Appointed: 22 May 2008

Resigned: 22 May 2008

Company Directors Limited

Position: Corporate Director

Appointed: 22 May 2008

Resigned: 22 May 2008

People with significant control

The list of persons with significant control that own or control the company consists of 4 names. As we discovered, there is Gwe Biogas Holdings Limited from Driffield, England. This PSC is classified as "a limited liability company", has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. This PSC has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. Another one in the persons with significant control register is Mathew G. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights. Moving on, there is Birch Valley Holdings Limited, who also meets the Companies House conditions to be indexed as a person with significant control. This PSC has a legal form of "a private limited company", owns 50,01-75% shares, has 50,01-75% voting rights. This PSC , owns 50,01-75% shares and has 50,01-75% voting rights.

Gwe Biogas Holdings Limited

Sandhill Garton Road, Kirkburn, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 9DR, England

Legal authority English
Legal form Limited Liability Company
Notified on 20 November 2018
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights

Mathew G.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Ceased on 20 November 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Birch Valley Holdings Limited

Estate Office Eastburn Road, Eastburn, Driffield, YO25 9DP, England

Legal authority Companies Act 2006
Legal form Private Limited Company
Country registered England
Place registered Companies House
Registration number 09438398
Notified on 2 February 2018
Ceased on 20 November 2018
Nature of control: 50,01-75% shares
50,01-75% voting rights

Thomas M.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Ceased on 2 February 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% shares

Company previous names

Green Wold Energy May 5, 2009

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2014-10-312015-10-312016-10-312017-10-312018-06-302019-06-302020-06-302021-06-302022-06-302023-06-30
Net Worth2 097 0803 666 2965 182 454       
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank In Hand213 268702 972127 650       
Cash Bank On Hand  127 6501 479 165353 40557 434739 1691 166 098760 22827 003
Current Assets1 731 9742 265 9752 242 6903 361 8112 432 9622 802 4253 617 0144 229 9724 563 6034 566 515
Debtors1 491 1071 523 4992 064 1211 805 7551 988 0322 650 7752 552 3332 578 5503 064 6423 506 503
Net Assets Liabilities  5 182 4546 565 8007 151 8467 569 8697 902 4207 843 5998 138 7669 015 184
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability2 097 0803 666 2965 182 454       
Other Debtors  1 613 7361 415 944625 000805 693623 028694 139793 8551 375 000
Property Plant Equipment  7 151 9816 571 5146 291 1779 350 9218 654 28310 632 69113 109 05915 613 985
Stocks Inventory27 59939 50450 919       
Tangible Fixed Assets7 333 1777 360 2537 151 981       
Total Inventories  50 91976 89191 52594 216325 512485 324738 7331 033 009
Called Up Share Capital222       
Profit Loss Account Reserve2 097 0783 666 2945 182 452       
Shareholder Funds2 097 0803 666 2965 182 454       
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors 70 000296 312       
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors  226 31287 345      
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Repaid In Period Directors   383 657      
Accruals Deferred Income1 377 3021 147 752918 202       
Accrued Liabilities Not Expressed Within Creditors Subtotal  918 202688 651535 61870 954    
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment  4 257 8705 086 5365 685 9585 920 9326 719 4357 730 1808 727 97310 127 700
Amounts Owed To Group Undertakings     4 177 2043 973 4515 463 0196 059 2716 781 702
Average Number Employees During Period  1720222529313336
Bank Borrowings  1 406 600904 245520 674     
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts  904 245391 503520 674    19 169
Capital Commitments    290 085     
Creditors  1 413 852770 546288 452249 206177 987248 0041 890 0312 083 728
Creditors Due After One Year3 693 5761 721 2801 413 852       
Creditors Due Within One Year1 315 3412 410 9971 166 513       
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment   41 764 753 718166 93932 888128 92854 526
Disposals Property Plant Equipment   60 328 921 234238 26552 480174 80994 350
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total  409 607279 043188 452149 20677 987148 0041 790 0311 983 728
Fixed Assets  7 151 9817 696 5147 416 17710 475 9219 779 28311 757 69114 234 05916 738 985
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment   870 430599 422988 692965 4421 043 6331 126 7211 454 253
Investments Fixed Assets   1 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 000
Investments In Joint Ventures   1 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 0001 125 000
Net Current Assets Liabilities416 633-145 0221 076 1771 009 6831 225 585-1 945 990-1 121 790-2 861 264-3 346 010-4 629 814
Number Shares Allotted 22       
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid    200     
Other Creditors  100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000100 000
Other Taxation Social Security Payable  207 838177 182129 06644 60878 5215 065  
Par Value Share 11 0     
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost  11 409 85111 658 05011 977 13515 271 85315 373 71818 362 87121 837 03225 741 685
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal  713 650681 200665 846639 902577 086804 824859 2521 010 259
Provisions For Liabilities Charges581 852679 903713 650       
Secured Debts3 136 3873 298 4432 045 161       
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid222       
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 839 637643 062       
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation9 951 25210 766 78911 409 851       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation2 618 0753 406 5364 257 870       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 802 124851 334       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals 13 663        
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals 24 100        
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment   308 527319 0854 215 952340 1303 041 6333 648 9703 999 003
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities7 749 8107 215 2318 228 1588 706 1978 641 7628 529 9318 657 4938 896 42710 888 04912 109 171
Total Borrowings  2 045 1611 367 330849 674312 715    
Trade Creditors Trade Payables  160 097284 307312 843313 947485 5401 427 4401 418 5521 789 378
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables  450 385389 811414 235470 082554 305509 411895 787952 428
Advances Credits Directors 70 000296 312       
Advances Credits Made In Period Directors 70 000        

Transport Operator Data

Address Garton Road , Kirkburn
City Driffield
Post code YO25 9DR
Vehicles 2
Trailers 8

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Miscellaneous Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Accounts for a small company made up to Friday 30th June 2023
filed on: 28th, March 2024
Free Download (10 pages)

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