Dunelm Car Sales started in year 2013 as Private Limited Company with registration number 08754620. The Dunelm Car Sales company has been functioning successfully for 12 years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Bearpark at Dunelm Car Sales Building. Postal code: DH7 7DB.
The company has one director. Colin R., appointed on 30 October 2013. There are currently no secretaries appointed. As of 20 January 2025, there was 1 ex director - Jeffrey R.. There were no ex secretaries.
Office Address | Dunelm Car Sales Building |
Office Address2 | Auton Stile |
Town | Bearpark |
Post code | DH7 7DB |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Registration Number | 08754620 |
Date of Incorporation | Wed, 30th Oct 2013 |
Industry | Sale of used cars and light motor vehicles |
End of financial Year | 31st December |
Company age | 12 years old |
Account next due date | Mon, 30th Sep 2024 (112 days after) |
Account last made up date | Sat, 31st Dec 2022 |
Next confirmation statement due date | Tue, 31st Oct 2023 (2023-10-31) |
Last confirmation statement dated | Mon, 17th Oct 2022 |
The list of persons with significant control that own or control the company consists of 2 names. As we discovered, there is Colin R. The abovementioned PSC and has 75,01-100% shares. Another one in the PSC register is Jeffrey R. This PSC owns 25-50% shares.
Colin R.
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares |
Jeffrey R.
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Ceased on | 17 May 2019 |
Nature of control: |
25-50% shares |
Profit & Loss | ||||||||||
Accounts Information Date | 2014-12-31 | 2015-12-31 | 2016-12-31 | 2017-12-31 | 2018-12-31 | 2019-12-31 | 2020-12-31 | 2021-12-31 | 2022-12-31 | 2023-12-31 |
Net Worth | 8 873 | 11 427 | ||||||||
Balance Sheet | ||||||||||
Cash Bank In Hand | 3 002 | 2 398 | ||||||||
Cash Bank On Hand | 2 398 | 12 403 | 5 492 | 33 140 | 6 903 | 4 832 | ||||
Current Assets | 198 706 | 207 634 | 201 127 | 183 002 | 180 346 | 67 645 | 174 431 | 210 601 | 321 444 | 332 013 |
Debtors | 11 490 | 14 440 | 7 096 | 8 055 | 33 314 | 24 440 | 23 155 | 6 885 | 31 211 | 68 313 |
Intangible Fixed Assets | 89 167 | 79 167 | ||||||||
Net Assets Liabilities | 1 110 | 3 073 | 111 | 629 | -12 555 | |||||
Other Debtors | 1 164 | 1 388 | 360 | 25 656 | 7 798 | 5 475 | 986 | 10 191 | 61 814 | |
Property Plant Equipment | 4 215 | 2 168 | 258 | 523 | 359 | 414 | 3 568 | 2 570 | 2 092 | |
Stocks Inventory | 184 214 | 190 796 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets | 5 434 | 4 215 | ||||||||
Total Inventories | 190 796 | 181 628 | 169 455 | 147 032 | 43 205 | 118 136 | 203 716 | 283 330 | 258 868 | |
Reserves/Capital | ||||||||||
Called Up Share Capital | 100 | 100 | ||||||||
Profit Loss Account Reserve | 8 773 | 11 327 | ||||||||
Shareholder Funds | 8 873 | 11 427 | ||||||||
Other | ||||||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors | 3 890 | 3 475 | 9 211 | 58 785 | ||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors | 3 890 | 54 705 | 55 031 | 63 572 | ||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Repaid In Period Directors | 415 | 58 180 | 45 820 | 13 998 | ||||||
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets | 20 833 | 30 833 | 40 833 | 50 833 | 60 833 | 70 833 | 80 833 | 90 833 | 100 000 | |
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 3 975 | 6 022 | 7 932 | 8 291 | 8 455 | 8 615 | 9 050 | 10 048 | 11 051 | |
Amounts Owed By Group Undertakings | 10 | |||||||||
Average Number Employees During Period | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | ||
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts | 2 696 | 5 509 | 43 333 | 34 167 | 24 167 | 14 167 | ||||
Creditors | 279 589 | 215 951 | 184 730 | 192 574 | 106 061 | 43 333 | 34 167 | 24 167 | 14 167 | |
Creditors Due Within One Year | 284 434 | 279 589 | ||||||||
Fixed Assets | 94 601 | 83 382 | 71 335 | 59 425 | 49 690 | 39 526 | 29 581 | 22 735 | 11 737 | 2 092 |
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 9 167 | ||
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | 2 047 | 1 910 | 359 | 164 | 160 | 435 | 998 | 1 003 | ||
Intangible Assets | 79 167 | 69 167 | 59 167 | 49 167 | 39 167 | 29 167 | 19 167 | 9 167 | ||
Intangible Assets Gross Cost | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | 100 000 | ||
Intangible Fixed Assets Additions | 100 000 | |||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment | 10 833 | 20 833 | ||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period | 10 833 | 10 000 | ||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 100 000 | |||||||||
Net Current Assets Liabilities | -85 728 | -71 955 | -14 824 | -1 728 | -12 228 | -38 416 | 16 825 | 11 543 | 13 059 | -480 |
Number Shares Allotted | 100 | 100 | ||||||||
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |||
Other Creditors | 260 606 | 193 093 | 170 033 | 158 730 | 66 833 | 80 598 | 112 107 | 231 035 | 217 364 | |
Other Taxation Social Security Payable | 17 028 | 17 977 | 10 272 | 10 320 | 14 052 | 42 689 | 54 540 | 31 738 | 47 783 | |
Par Value Share | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 8 190 | 8 190 | 8 190 | 8 814 | 8 814 | 9 029 | 12 618 | 12 618 | 13 143 | |
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid | 100 | 100 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions | 7 370 | 820 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 7 370 | 8 190 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation | 1 936 | 3 975 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period | 1 936 | 2 039 | ||||||||
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | 624 | 215 | 3 589 | 525 | ||||||
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 8 873 | 11 427 | 56 511 | 57 697 | 37 462 | 1 110 | 46 406 | 34 278 | 24 796 | 1 612 |
Total Borrowings | 103 605 | 226 557 | 187 157 | |||||||
Trade Creditors Trade Payables | 1 955 | 4 881 | 4 425 | 20 828 | 19 498 | 27 652 | 11 193 | 35 612 | 53 260 | |
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables | 13 276 | 5 708 | 7 695 | 7 658 | 16 642 | 17 680 | 5 899 | 21 020 | 6 499 | |
Nominal Value Allotted Share Capital | 100 | 100 |
Type | Category | Free download | |
CS01 |
Confirmation statement with no updates Thursday 17th October 2024 filed on: 20th, November 2024 |
confirmation statement | Free Download (3 pages) |
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