Direct Recruitment Limited LONDON

Direct Recruitment Limited is a private limited company that can be found at 59-60 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HP. Its total net worth is estimated to be 854746 pounds, while the fixed assets the company owns come to 7346 pounds. Incorporated on 1988-03-31, this 36-year-old company is run by 2 directors.
Director Becky P., appointed on 05 January 2018. Director Sarah B., appointed on 05 January 2018.
The company is officially classified as "other activities of employment placement agencies" (SIC: 78109).
The last confirmation statement was sent on 2022-12-28 and the date for the following filing is 2024-01-11. Furthermore, the annual accounts were filed on 30 April 2022 and the next filing is due on 31 January 2024.

Direct Recruitment Limited Address / Contact

Office Address 59-60 Russell Square
Town London
Post code WC1B 4HP
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 02238421
Date of Incorporation Thu, 31st Mar 1988
Industry Other activities of employment placement agencies
End of financial Year 30th April
Company age 36 years old
Account next due date Wed, 31st Jan 2024 (315 days after)
Account last made up date Sat, 30th Apr 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Thu, 11th Jan 2024 (2024-01-11)
Last confirmation statement dated Wed, 28th Dec 2022

Company staff

Becky P.

Position: Director

Appointed: 05 January 2018

Sarah B.

Position: Director

Appointed: 05 January 2018

Paul O.

Position: Secretary

Resigned: 05 January 2018

Sarah O.

Position: Director

Resigned: 05 January 2018

People with significant control

The register of PSCs who own or have control over the company consists of 5 names. As BizStats found, there is Sbp Recruitment Limited from London, England. The abovementioned PSC is classified as "a private limited company", has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. The abovementioned PSC has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. The second entity in the persons with significant control register is Becky P. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights. The third one is Sarah B., who also meets the Companies House requirements to be listed as a PSC. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights.

Sbp Recruitment Limited

59-60 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HP, England

Legal authority England
Legal form Private Limited Company
Country registered England
Place registered Register Of Companies
Registration number 11087882
Notified on 5 January 2018
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares
75,01-100% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors

Becky P.

Notified on 5 January 2018
Ceased on 7 January 2020
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Sarah B.

Notified on 5 January 2018
Ceased on 7 January 2020
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Sarah O.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Ceased on 5 January 2018
Nature of control: 50,01-75% shares

Paul O.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Ceased on 5 January 2018
Nature of control: 25-50% shares

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2011-04-302012-04-302013-04-302014-04-302015-04-302016-04-302017-04-302018-04-302019-04-30
Net Worth854 746917 1021 054 3911 108 7561 169 7641 180 779   
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand     1 082 2621 218 12941 03268 566
Current Assets1 343 5171 108 2281 249 5301 260 8741 374 6451 298 9261 328 4131 314 094195 797
Debtors126 22762 024202 49947 03848 946216 664110 2841 273 062127 231
Net Assets Liabilities     1 180 7791 210 7251 225 202 
Property Plant Equipment     4 4734 0792 2541 144
Cash Bank In Hand1 217 2901 046 2041 047 0311 213 8361 325 6991 082 262   
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability854 746917 1021 054 3911 108 7561 169 7641 180 779   
Tangible Fixed Assets7 34618 23013 5295 4711 1114 473   
Called Up Share Capital333333333333   
Profit Loss Account Reserve854 647917 0031 054 2921 108 6571 169 6651 180 680   
Shareholder Funds854 746917 1021 054 3911 108 7561 169 7641 180 779   
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment     36 45638 9741 1102 220
Creditors     122 619191 146134 265
Fixed Assets7 34618 23013 5295 4711 1114 4734 080  
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment      2 5171 1101 110
Net Current Assets Liabilities847 400898 8721 040 8621 103 2851 168 6531 176 3061 206 6471 222 94861 532
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost     40 92943 0533 364 
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment      2 1243 364 
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities854 746917 1021 054 3911 108 7561 169 7641 180 7791 210 7261 225 20262 676
Average Number Employees During Period      64 
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment       38 974 
Disposals Property Plant Equipment       43 053 
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid       3333
Par Value Share     1 11
Creditors Due Within One Year496 117209 356208 668157 589205 992122 620   
Number Shares Allotted     33   
Other Aggregate Reserves6666       
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid    3333   
Share Premium Account 6666666666   
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 18 3574 832  4 505   
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation77 79553 21552 84352 84352 84340 929   
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation70 44934 98539 31447 37251 73236 456   
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 7 4739 5338 0584 3601 143   
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals 42 9375 204  16 419   
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals 42 9375 204  16 419   

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Auditors Capital Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Total exemption full accounts data made up to 2024-04-30
filed on: 16th, October 2024
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