Brooker Laboratories Ltd LONDON

Founded in 2013, Brooker Laboratories, classified under reg no. 08823702 is an active company. Currently registered at 37 Warren Street W1T 6AD, London the company has been in the business for 12 years. Its financial year was closed on December 31 and its latest financial statement was filed on 31st December 2022.

The firm has one director. Trevor B., appointed on 20 December 2013. There are currently no secretaries appointed. As of 7 February 2025, there was 1 ex director - Susan T.. There were no ex secretaries.

Brooker Laboratories Ltd Address / Contact

Office Address 37 Warren Street
Town London
Post code W1T 6AD
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 08823702
Date of Incorporation Fri, 20th Dec 2013
Industry Dental practice activities
End of financial Year 31st December
Company age 12 years old
Account next due date Mon, 30th Sep 2024 (130 days after)
Account last made up date Sat, 31st Dec 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Wed, 3rd Jan 2024 (2024-01-03)
Last confirmation statement dated Tue, 20th Dec 2022

Company staff

Trevor B.

Position: Director

Appointed: 20 December 2013

Susan T.

Position: Director

Appointed: 20 December 2013

Resigned: 27 October 2022

People with significant control

The list of PSCs who own or control the company includes 2 names. As we discovered, there is Trevor B. The abovementioned PSC has 25-50% voting rights and has 25-50% shares. The second one in the persons with significant control register is Gwen B. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights.

Trevor B.

Notified on 27 October 2022
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Gwen B.

Notified on 27 October 2022
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
right to appoint and remove directors
25-50% shares

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2014-12-302014-12-312015-12-312016-12-312017-12-312018-12-312019-12-312020-12-312021-12-312022-12-312023-12-31
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand   16485438531 6561 4402 8944 669
Current Assets80 38280 38295 08573 92988 12184 386104 070117 922122 20259 46135 703
Debtors55 99255 99281 22862 16576 43662 14382 717101 266107 26246 31729 034
Net Assets Liabilities   8 1791301088 608-31 272-38 569-104 211-128 694
Other Debtors   2 9889 9003 4973 49716 68110 172  
Property Plant Equipment   18 59512 0104 6272 2541 6109672 0235 852
Total Inventories   11 60011 60022 20020 50015 00013 50010 2502 000
Cash Bank In Hand11 53311 5331 000        
Intangible Fixed Assets58 35658 35651 872        
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability48 37848 37815 750        
Stocks Inventory12 85712 85712 857        
Tangible Fixed Assets32 08332 08325 819        
Called Up Share Capital100100100        
Profit Loss Account Reserve48 27848 27815 650        
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets   19 45225 93632 42038 90445 38851 87258 35664 840
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment   17 52424 90832 29137 08237 72638 36939 23741 280
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment    799 2 418  1 9245 872
Average Number Employees During Period   55888883
Bank Borrowings        34 16724 16714 167
Bank Overdrafts   19 12523 09921 03416 14169 05023 21310 00032 851
Corporation Tax Payable   12 24410 84815 2224 347  11 2489 814
Creditors   129 733138 905121 325123 652170 256140 539148 012156 082
Fixed Assets90 43990 43977 69163 98350 91437 04728 19021 06213 9358 5075 852
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets    6 4846 4846 4846 4846 4846 4846 484
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment    7 3847 3834 7916446438682 043
Intangible Assets   45 38838 90432 42025 93619 45212 9686 484 
Intangible Assets Gross Cost   64 84064 84064 84064 84064 84064 84064 84064 840
Net Current Assets Liabilities-42 061-42 061-61 941-55 804-50 784-36 939-19 582-52 334-18 337-88 551-120 379
Other Creditors   46 74245 57145 73147 34947 16630 54229 11031 010
Other Taxation Social Security Payable   3 9689 75310 7136 5215 46228 44147 31760 341
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost   36 11936 91836 91839 33639 33639 33641 26047 132
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities       -31 272-4 402-80 044-114 527
Trade Creditors Trade Payables   21 00033 59617 80635 77011 15520 57816 2297 674
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables   59 17755 77558 64653 78374 77185 84235 06919 220
Capital Employed48 37848 37815 750        
Creditors Due Within One Year122 443122 443157 026        
Intangible Fixed Assets Additions 64 840         
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment 6 48412 968        
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period 6 4846 484        
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation 64 84064 840        
Number Shares Allotted 100100        
Number Shares Allotted Increase Decrease During Period 100         
Par Value Share 11        
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid100100100        
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 35 160959        
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation 35 16036 119        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation 3 07710 300        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 3 0777 223        
Value Shares Allotted Increase Decrease During Period 100         

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Confirmation statement with no updates 19th December 2024
filed on: 19th, December 2024
Free Download (3 pages)

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