Founded in 1988, Barques Design, classified under reg no. 02275547 is an active company. Currently registered at Ludgate Place B3 1DX, Birmingham the company has been in the business for 36 years. Its financial year was closed on Friday 31st May and its latest financial statement was filed on Tue, 31st May 2022.
At present there are 3 directors in the the firm, namely Scott H., Mark T. and Jill C.. In addition one secretary - Jill C. - is with the company. As of 2 November 2024, there were 2 ex directors - Richard B., David H. and others listed below. There were no ex secretaries.
Office Address | Ludgate Place |
Office Address2 | 23 Ludgate Hill |
Town | Birmingham |
Post code | B3 1DX |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Registration Number | 02275547 |
Date of Incorporation | Fri, 8th Jul 1988 |
Industry | Advertising agencies |
End of financial Year | 31st May |
Company age | 36 years old |
Account next due date | Thu, 29th Feb 2024 (247 days after) |
Account last made up date | Tue, 31st May 2022 |
Next confirmation statement due date | Sun, 12th May 2024 (2024-05-12) |
Last confirmation statement dated | Fri, 28th Apr 2023 |
The register of persons with significant control who own or control the company is made up of 3 names. As we found, there is Barques Trading Limited from Birmingham, England. The abovementioned PSC is categorised as "a private company limited by shares", has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. The abovementioned PSC has 75,01-100% voting rights and has 75,01-100% shares. The second one in the PSC register is Barques Holdings Limited that entered Birmingham, England as the official address. This PSC has a legal form of "a private limited company", owns 75,01-100% shares, has 75,01-100% voting rights. This PSC owns 75,01-100% shares and has 75,01-100% voting rights. The third one is Jill C., who also meets the Companies House conditions to be listed as a person with significant control. This PSC owns 50,01-75% shares.
Barques Trading Limited
Ludgate Place 23 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham, B3 1DX, England
Legal authority | Companies Act 2006 |
Legal form | Private Company Limited By Shares |
Country registered | United Kindom |
Place registered | England And Wales |
Registration number | 13270719 |
Notified on | 10 September 2021 |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights |
Barques Holdings Limited
Ludgate Place 23 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham, B3 1DX, England
Legal authority | Companies Act 2006 |
Legal form | Private Limited Company |
Country registered | England |
Place registered | Register Of Companies England And Wales |
Registration number | 13270744 |
Notified on | 29 July 2021 |
Ceased on | 10 September 2021 |
Nature of control: |
75,01-100% shares 75,01-100% voting rights |
Jill C.
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Ceased on | 29 July 2021 |
Nature of control: |
50,01-75% shares |
Profit & Loss | |||||||
Accounts Information Date | 2017-05-31 | 2018-05-31 | 2019-05-31 | 2020-05-31 | 2021-05-31 | 2022-05-31 | 2023-05-31 |
Balance Sheet | |||||||
Cash Bank On Hand | 156 138 | 206 263 | 178 251 | 165 335 | 264 506 | 176 491 | 136 340 |
Current Assets | 385 226 | 484 939 | 451 832 | 427 154 | 492 361 | 346 240 | 383 488 |
Debtors | 214 513 | 264 101 | 259 006 | 247 244 | 213 280 | 155 174 | 232 573 |
Net Assets Liabilities | 488 940 | 562 348 | 575 694 | 546 425 | 566 982 | 60 698 | 83 813 |
Other Debtors | 800 | 800 | 8 220 | 800 | |||
Property Plant Equipment | 506 801 | 496 189 | 365 043 | 349 673 | 336 877 | 5 376 | 4 333 |
Other | |||||||
Version Production Software | 2 020 | 2 021 | |||||
Accrued Liabilities | 31 131 | 64 962 | 37 230 | 7 953 | 6 870 | 3 200 | 8 890 |
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 268 621 | 289 053 | 310 558 | 328 689 | 343 634 | 196 602 | 199 493 |
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Investment Property Fair Value Model | 120 000 | ||||||
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | 9 820 | 10 359 | 2 761 | 2 149 | 4 807 | 1 848 | |
Average Number Employees During Period | 11 | 13 | 15 | 16 | 14 | 15 | 17 |
Bank Borrowings | 224 108 | 216 445 | 199 819 | 182 115 | 221 986 | 163 242 | |
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts | 24 214 | 15 939 | 16 282 | 16 993 | 8 014 | 50 552 | |
Creditors | 170 589 | 194 036 | 152 990 | 158 466 | 151 641 | 127 676 | 304 008 |
Current Asset Investments | 14 575 | 14 575 | 14 575 | 14 575 | 14 575 | 14 575 | 14 575 |
Deferred Tax Liabilities | 8 390 | 8 299 | 8 372 | 9 821 | |||
Fixed Assets | 496 189 | 485 043 | 469 673 | 456 877 | 5 376 | ||
Future Minimum Lease Payments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases | 2 250 | 2 500 | 2 500 | 2 500 | 1 875 | 26 208 | 26 208 |
Increase Decrease Due To Transfers Into Or Out Property Plant Equipment | -120 000 | ||||||
Increase Decrease In Deferred Tax Liability From Amount Recognised In Profit Or Loss | -1 912 | -91 | 73 | 1 449 | |||
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | 20 432 | 21 505 | 18 131 | 14 945 | 5 018 | 2 891 | |
Investment Property | 120 000 | 120 000 | 120 000 | ||||
Investment Property Fair Value Model | 120 000 | 120 000 | 120 000 | ||||
Loans From Directors | 12 478 | 8 800 | |||||
Net Current Assets Liabilities | 214 637 | 290 903 | 298 842 | 268 688 | 340 720 | 218 564 | 79 480 |
Other Creditors | 6 077 | 6 814 | 5 750 | 5 745 | 7 593 | 7 131 | 209 254 |
Other Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 152 050 | ||||||
Other Disposals Investment Property Fair Value Model | 120 000 | ||||||
Other Disposals Property Plant Equipment | 483 340 | ||||||
Prepayments Accrued Income | 6 507 | 1 639 | 6 754 | 6 837 | 6 566 | 12 027 | 9 989 |
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 775 422 | 785 242 | 675 601 | 678 362 | 680 511 | 201 978 | 203 826 |
Taxation Including Deferred Taxation Balance Sheet Subtotal | 8 390 | 8 299 | 8 372 | 9 821 | 8 629 | ||
Taxation Social Security Payable | 46 497 | 74 952 | 59 458 | 90 960 | 90 939 | 13 817 | 23 390 |
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 721 438 | 787 092 | 783 885 | 738 361 | 797 597 | 223 940 | 83 813 |
Trade Creditors Trade Payables | 50 192 | 31 369 | 34 270 | 28 015 | 38 225 | 33 794 | 39 125 |
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables | 208 006 | 262 462 | 252 252 | 239 607 | 205 914 | 134 927 | 221 784 |
Value-added Tax Payable | 63 137 | 19 182 | 23 349 |
Type | Category | Free download | |
AA |
Total exemption full company accounts data drawn up to Wed, 31st May 2023 filed on: 16th, January 2024 |
accounts | Free Download (8 pages) |
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