Axiomatic Technology started in year 1994 as Private Limited Company with registration number 02955555. The Axiomatic Technology company has been functioning successfully for 31 years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Nottinghamshire at Station House Station Road. Postal code: NG14 7DU.
Currently there are 2 directors in the the firm, namely Matthew S. and David M.. In addition one secretary - Matthew S. - is with the company. Currently there are a few former directors listed by the firm. Similarly, the firm lists a few former secretaries. The full list of both former directors and former secretaries might be found in the table below.
Office Address | Station House Station Road |
Office Address2 | Lowdham |
Town | Nottinghamshire |
Post code | NG14 7DU |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Registration Number | 02955555 |
Date of Incorporation | Thu, 4th Aug 1994 |
Industry | Other information technology service activities |
End of financial Year | 30th September |
Company age | 31 years old |
Account next due date | Sun, 30th Jun 2024 (208 days after) |
Account last made up date | Fri, 30th Sep 2022 |
Next confirmation statement due date | Sun, 18th Aug 2024 (2024-08-18) |
Last confirmation statement dated | Fri, 4th Aug 2023 |
The list of persons with significant control that own or control the company consists of 3 names. As we researched, there is Matthew S. The abovementioned PSC has significiant influence or control over the company,. Another one in the PSC register is David M. This PSC has significiant influence or control over the company,. Then there is Martyn B., who also meets the Companies House requirements to be indexed as a person with significant control. This PSC has significiant influence or control over the company,.
Matthew S.
Notified on | 1 June 2019 |
Nature of control: |
significiant influence or control |
David M.
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Nature of control: |
significiant influence or control |
Martyn B.
Notified on | 6 April 2016 |
Ceased on | 25 June 2019 |
Nature of control: |
significiant influence or control |
Profit & Loss | |||||||||||||
Accounts Information Date | 2011-09-30 | 2012-09-30 | 2013-09-30 | 2014-09-30 | 2015-09-30 | 2016-09-30 | 2017-09-30 | 2018-09-30 | 2019-09-30 | 2020-09-30 | 2021-09-30 | 2022-09-30 | 2023-09-30 |
Net Worth | 82 116 | 131 553 | 144 544 | 222 520 | 259 548 | ||||||||
Balance Sheet | |||||||||||||
Cash Bank In Hand | 2 | 326 | 44 | 42 598 | 48 123 | ||||||||
Cash Bank On Hand | 48 123 | 145 838 | 282 130 | 171 388 | 199 991 | 250 709 | 225 934 | 306 199 | 207 084 | ||||
Current Assets | 186 213 | 213 917 | 264 912 | 438 684 | 608 452 | 454 908 | 502 728 | 449 263 | 429 447 | 461 487 | 445 489 | 484 420 | 399 274 |
Debtors | 76 312 | 118 250 | 101 723 | 141 330 | 378 648 | 222 075 | 123 584 | 190 148 | 160 065 | 130 987 | 156 352 | 110 001 | 136 870 |
Intangible Fixed Assets | 181 838 | 171 044 | 160 250 | 149 456 | 55 661 | ||||||||
Net Assets Liabilities | 250 623 | 289 341 | 329 925 | 336 405 | 204 059 | 250 459 | 277 006 | 310 893 | 565 690 | ||||
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability | 82 116 | 131 553 | 144 544 | 222 520 | 259 548 | ||||||||
Property Plant Equipment | 194 905 | 188 681 | 182 858 | 177 144 | 171 430 | 165 716 | 160 002 | 154 288 | 475 497 | ||||
Stocks Inventory | 109 899 | 95 341 | 163 145 | 254 756 | 181 681 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets | 233 313 | 229 980 | 223 784 | 216 952 | 200 619 | ||||||||
Total Inventories | 181 681 | 86 995 | 97 014 | 87 727 | 69 391 | 79 791 | 63 203 | 68 220 | 55 320 | ||||
Reserves/Capital | |||||||||||||
Called Up Share Capital | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | ||||||||
Profit Loss Account Reserve | -21 040 | 26 962 | 44 258 | 123 669 | 172 132 | ||||||||
Shareholder Funds | 82 116 | 131 553 | 144 544 | 222 520 | 259 548 | ||||||||
Other | |||||||||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors | 1 560 | ||||||||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors | 1 560 | ||||||||||||
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Repaid In Period Directors | 1 560 | ||||||||||||
Accrued Liabilities Not Expressed Within Creditors Subtotal | 143 896 | 161 291 | 144 585 | 172 634 | 193 422 | 216 029 | |||||||
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets | 15 221 | 29 136 | 43 051 | 56 967 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | |||||
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | 57 033 | 63 257 | 69 080 | 74 794 | 80 508 | 86 222 | 91 936 | 97 650 | 51 971 | ||||
Average Number Employees During Period | 14 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 12 | 11 | 9 | 8 | |||||
Creditors | 605 184 | 393 926 | 382 613 | 303 917 | 235 527 | 232 159 | 155 851 | 134 393 | 62 002 | ||||
Creditors Due After One Year | 289 441 | 301 273 | 287 057 | 330 820 | 298 016 | ||||||||
Creditors Due Within One Year | 229 807 | 182 115 | 217 345 | 251 752 | 307 168 | ||||||||
Fixed Assets | 415 151 | 401 024 | 384 034 | 366 408 | 256 280 | 230 427 | 210 689 | 191 059 | 171 430 | 165 716 | 160 002 | 154 288 | 475 497 |
Future Minimum Lease Payments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases | 348 | 348 | |||||||||||
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets | 13 915 | 13 915 | 13 916 | 13 915 | |||||||||
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment | 6 224 | 5 823 | 5 714 | 5 714 | 5 714 | 5 714 | 5 714 | 5 747 | |||||
Intangible Assets | 55 661 | 41 746 | 27 831 | 13 915 | |||||||||
Intangible Assets Gross Cost | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | 70 882 | |||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment | 34 044 | 44 838 | 55 632 | 66 426 | 15 221 | ||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period | 10 794 | 10 794 | 10 794 | 10 795 | |||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 215 882 | 215 882 | 215 882 | 215 882 | 70 882 | ||||||||
Intangible Fixed Assets Impairment Losses | -62 000 | ||||||||||||
Net Current Assets Liabilities | -43 594 | 31 802 | 47 567 | 186 932 | 301 284 | 60 982 | 120 115 | 152 242 | 193 920 | 229 328 | 289 638 | 350 027 | 337 272 |
Number Shares Allotted | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | |||||||||
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid | 10 603 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | 10 000 | |||||||
Par Value Share | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | |||
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost | 251 938 | 251 938 | 251 938 | 251 938 | 251 938 | 251 938 | 251 938 | 251 938 | 527 468 | ||||
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal | 3 211 | 2 068 | 879 | 31 050 | |||||||||
Revaluation Reserve | 92 653 | 94 088 | 89 783 | 88 348 | 76 913 | ||||||||
Revaluations Increase Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment | -51 426 | ||||||||||||
Secured Debts | 126 759 | 114 739 | 131 574 | 87 375 | |||||||||
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | 10 503 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions | 4 550 | 777 | |||||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation | 297 194 | 301 744 | 301 938 | 301 938 | 251 938 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation | 63 881 | 71 764 | 78 154 | 84 986 | 51 319 | ||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period | 7 883 | 6 973 | 6 832 | 6 333 | |||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals | 583 | ||||||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Increase Decrease From Revaluations | -40 000 | ||||||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals | 583 | ||||||||||||
Tangible Fixed Assets Increase Decrease From Revaluations | -50 000 | ||||||||||||
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment | 530 | ||||||||||||
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities | 371 557 | 432 826 | 431 601 | 553 340 | 557 564 | 291 409 | 330 804 | 343 301 | 365 350 | 395 044 | 449 640 | 504 315 | 812 769 |
Total Increase Decrease From Revaluations Property Plant Equipment | 275 000 |
Type | Category | Free download | |
AA |
Data of total exemption small company accounts made up to 2015/09/30 filed on: 29th, April 2016 |
accounts | Free Download (9 pages) |
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