Antryvale Limited LONDON

Antryvale started in year 1980 as Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital) with registration number 01472203. The Antryvale company has been functioning successfully for 45 years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in London at 32 Paget Road. Postal code: N16 5NQ.

There is a single director in the company at the moment - Blima S., appointed on 12 July 2002. In addition, a secretary was appointed - Blima S., appointed on 19 December 2011. At present there are several former directors listed by the company. Their names might be found in the table below. In addition, there is one former secretary - Pearl G. who worked with the the company until 16 August 2010.

Antryvale Limited Address / Contact

Office Address 32 Paget Road
Town London
Post code N16 5NQ
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 01472203
Date of Incorporation Thu, 10th Jan 1980
Industry Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled
End of financial Year 31st March
Company age 45 years old
Account next due date Sun, 31st Dec 2023 (409 days after)
Account last made up date Thu, 31st Mar 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Wed, 20th Dec 2023 (2023-12-20)
Last confirmation statement dated Tue, 6th Dec 2022

Company staff

Blima S.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 19 December 2011

Blima S.

Position: Director

Appointed: 12 July 2002

Blima S.

Position: Director

Appointed: 03 January 2001

Resigned: 31 October 2018

Hershel G.

Position: Director

Appointed: 31 December 1991

Resigned: 16 August 2010

Pearl G.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 31 December 1991

Resigned: 16 August 2010

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2012-03-312013-03-312014-03-312015-03-312016-03-312017-03-312018-03-312019-03-312020-03-312021-03-312022-03-312023-03-312024-03-31
Net Worth457 699457 520457 341457 095456 855        
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand     49493975 427647878878196
Current Assets460 863460 588460 409460 514460 378460 427460 427460 775418 164413 384413 615413 615401 078
Debtors412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737412 737400 882
Net Assets Liabilities        453 688430 908448 959448 815448 419
Other Debtors    412 737412 737412 737 412 737412 737412 737412 737400 882
Cash Bank In Hand48521031136         
Profit Loss Account Reserve457 699457 520457 341457 095456 855        
Shareholder Funds457 699457 520457 341457 095456 855        
Charity Funds       455 778453 688430 908448 959448 815448 419
Charity Registration Number England Wales         281 620281 620281 620281 620
Donations Legacies        39 50037 00034 800  
Expenditure        41 59959 78016 749144 
Expenditure Material Fund         59 78016 749144396
Net Income Expenditure Before Transfers Between Funds Other Recognised Gains Losses        2 09022 78018 051144396
Other Expenditure        1 299930999144396
Accrued Liabilities    144288432   9001 044300
Creditors    3 5233 8123 9864 99712 11730 11712 29712 441300
Investments Fixed Assets        47 64147 64147 64147 64147 641
Investments In Group Undertakings        6 6006 6006 6006 600 
Net Current Assets Liabilities457 699457 520457 341457 095456 855456 615456 441455 778406 047383 267401 318401 174400 778
Other Creditors        8 50826 5087 7887 788 
Other Investments Other Than Loans        41 04141 04141 04141 041 
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities457 699457 520457 341457 095456 855456 615456 441455 778453 688430 908448 959448 815448 419
Trade Creditors Trade Payables    3 3753 5243 554 3 6093 6093 6093 609 
Cost Charitable Activity        40 30058 85015 750  
Income Endowments        39 50937 000   
Income Material Fund         37 00034 800  
Investment Income        9    
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts    4        
Creditors Due Within One Year3 1643 0683 0683 4193 523        
Current Asset Investments47 64147 64147 64147 64147 64147 64147 64147 64147 641    
Other Current Asset Investments Balance Sheet Subtotal    6 6006 6006 600      
Profit Loss     -240-174-663-2 089    
Interest Income On Bank Deposits        9    

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Gazette Officers
Total exemption full company accounts data drawn up to March 31, 2023
filed on: 21st, December 2023
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