Founded in 2014, Acopia Group, classified under reg no. 09150714 is an active company. Currently registered at 2/4 Ash Lane BN16 3BZ, Littlehampton the company has been in the business for 10 years. Its financial year was closed on 31st December and its latest financial statement was filed on December 31, 2022.

At present there are 4 directors in the the company, namely Keenan L., Timothy L. and Russell L. and others. In addition one secretary - Fern L. - is with the firm. As of 10 October 2024, there was 1 ex director - Rolf L.. There were no ex secretaries.

Acopia Group Ltd Address / Contact

Office Address 2/4 Ash Lane
Office Address2 Rustington
Town Littlehampton
Post code BN16 3BZ
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 09150714
Date of Incorporation Mon, 28th Jul 2014
Industry Wholesale of other intermediate products
End of financial Year 31st December
Company age 10 years old
Account next due date Mon, 30th Sep 2024 (10 days after)
Account last made up date Sat, 31st Dec 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Sun, 11th Aug 2024 (2024-08-11)
Last confirmation statement dated Fri, 28th Jul 2023

Company staff

Fern L.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 14 April 2023

Keenan L.

Position: Director

Appointed: 14 April 2023

Timothy L.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 July 2014

Russell L.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 July 2014

Wayne L.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 July 2014

Rolf L.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 July 2014

Resigned: 01 February 2018

People with significant control

The list of persons with significant control who own or have control over the company consists of 4 names. As we identified, there is Acopia Limited from Littlehampton, United Kingdom. The abovementioned PSC is classified as "a limited company" and has 75,01-100% shares. The abovementioned PSC and has 75,01-100% shares. The second entity in the persons with significant control register is Wayne L. This PSC owns 75,01-100% shares. Then there is Timothy L., who also fulfils the Companies House conditions to be categorised as a person with significant control. This PSC and has 75,01-100% voting rights.

Acopia Limited

2/4 Ash Lane Rustington, Rustington, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 3BZ, United Kingdom

Legal authority Companies Act 2006
Legal form Limited Company
Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares

Wayne L.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% shares

Timothy L.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% voting rights

Russell L.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 75,01-100% voting rights

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2014-12-312015-12-312016-12-312017-12-312018-12-312019-12-312020-12-312021-12-31
Net Worth440 1901 198 935      
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand 445 925489 507140 658184 259347 593290 16141 030
Current Assets1 973 2061 973 9682 799 7373 747 1173 892 5283 942 5043 396 3234 515 138
Debtors1 321 7271 041 7671 708 4342 943 7172 879 7272 708 3011 843 6123 309 568
Net Assets Liabilities 1 198 9351 934 7172 761 8963 236 3263 689 3593 725 2614 434 186
Other Debtors 27 499121 18968 49869 915 135 897
Property Plant Equipment 199 660202 527174 063153 598142 722203 011159 621
Total Inventories 486 274601 796662 742828 542886 6101 262 5501 164 540
Cash Bank In Hand105 511445 927      
Intangible Fixed Assets357 500279 500      
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability440 1901 198 935      
Stocks Inventory545 968486 274      
Tangible Fixed Assets283 051199 660      
Called Up Share Capital1 0001 000      
Profit Loss Account Reserve439 1901 197 935      
Shareholder Funds440 1901 198 935      
Accrued Liabilities      58 43215 230
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets 110 500188 500266 500344 500407 030424 061513 879
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment 121 714159 634186 961224 478251 203288 670270 971
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Intangible Assets     85 154 794 040
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment  75 58331 32837 04740 31197 7568 667
Amounts Owed By Related Parties 231 712767 9311 556 7051 902 6941 742 065415 0351 208 775
Amounts Owed To Related Parties     362 96521 913 
Average Number Employees During Period 47445254474242
Bank Overdrafts 32 21236 04442 38235 376355 756420 88244 861
Comprehensive Income Expense 920 745965 682     
Creditors 1 379 1911 394 0471 282 784855 3001 465 4891 102 9152 261 763
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment  -12 203-18 948-9 997-6 116 -63 853
Disposals Property Plant Equipment  -34 796-32 465-19 995-24 462 -69 756
Dividend Per Share Interim 162230     
Dividends Paid -162 000-230 000     
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total 58 80727 2349 667    
Fixed Assets765 551604 160529 027297 563199 0981 212 3441 431 8532 180 811
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets  78 00078 00078 00062 53017 03189 818
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment  50 12346 27547 51432 84137 46746 154
Intangible Assets 279 500201 500123 50045 50068 12451 093755 315
Intangible Assets Gross Cost 390 000390 000390 000390 000475 154475 1541 269 194
Issue Equity Instruments  100     
Net Current Assets Liabilities646 233594 7751 405 6902 464 3333 037 2282 477 0152 293 4082 253 375
Other Creditors 1 3901 406-10 743 -2 009-4 788-1 216
Other Inventories 486 274601 796662 742828 542886 6101 262 5501 164 540
Other Payables Accrued Expenses 113 068200 308260 771173 17789 57658 432 
Other Remaining Borrowings 412 307443 268206 02319 789236001 146 457
Prepayments  54 96437 37144 10753 14460 85776 485
Profit Loss 920 745965 682     
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost 321 374362 161361 024378 076393 925491 681430 592
Taxation Social Security Payable 91 62679 654146 78952 359117 731216 776215 977
Total Borrowings 503 326506 546258 07255 165355 779421 4821 191 318
Trade Creditors Trade Payables 314 005369 655404 574418 923349 791389 100840 454
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables 782 556819 3141 281 143863 011913 0921 367 7201 988 411
Creditors Due After One Year971 594       
Creditors Due Within One Year1 326 9731 379 193      
Intangible Fixed Assets Additions390 000       
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment32 500110 500      
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period32 50078 000      
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation390 000       
Investments Fixed Assets125 000125 000      
Number Shares Allotted1 0001 000      
Par Value Share11      
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid1 0001 000      
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions321 374       
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation321 374       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation38 323121 714      
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period38 32383 391      
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities1 411 7841 198 935      

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control Resolution
Confirmation statement with updates July 28, 2024
filed on: 13th, August 2024
Free Download (7 pages)

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