A1 Loo Hire Limited WOKINGHAM

A1 Loo Hire started in year 2005 as Private Limited Company with registration number 05333973. The A1 Loo Hire company has been functioning successfully for nineteen years now and its status is active. The firm's office is based in Wokingham at Silver Birches. Postal code: RG41 4SP.

At the moment there are 3 directors in the the company, namely Clive O., Sally P. and Russell P.. In addition one secretary - Sally P. - is with the firm. As of 11 December 2024, our data shows no information about any ex officers on these positions.

This company operates within the RG41 4SP postal code. The company is dealing with transport and has been registered as such. Its registration number is OD1116546 . It is located at Unit 2b-2c, Spring Hill Industrial Estate, Coventry with a total of 4 carsand 2 trailers.

A1 Loo Hire Limited Address / Contact

Office Address Silver Birches
Office Address2 Highland Avenue
Town Wokingham
Post code RG41 4SP
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 05333973
Date of Incorporation Mon, 17th Jan 2005
Industry Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c.
End of financial Year 31st July
Company age 19 years old
Account next due date Tue, 30th Apr 2024 (225 days after)
Account last made up date Sun, 31st Jul 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Sun, 21st Jan 2024 (2024-01-21)
Last confirmation statement dated Sat, 7th Jan 2023

Company staff

Clive O.

Position: Director

Appointed: 04 January 2013

Sally P.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 February 2006

Sally P.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 28 February 2006

Russell P.

Position: Director

Appointed: 28 February 2006

Westco Directors Ltd

Position: Corporate Director

Appointed: 17 January 2005

Resigned: 28 February 2006

Westco Nominees Limited

Position: Corporate Secretary

Appointed: 17 January 2005

Resigned: 28 February 2006

People with significant control

The register of PSCs that own or control the company includes 3 names. As BizStats identified, there is Sally P. This PSC has 25-50% voting rights and has 25-50% shares. Another one in the PSC register is Russell P. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights. Moving on, there is Clive O., who also meets the Companies House criteria to be listed as a PSC. This PSC has significiant influence or control over the company,.

Sally P.

Notified on 16 January 2017
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Russell P.

Notified on 16 January 2017
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Clive O.

Notified on 16 January 2017
Ceased on 3 March 2021
Nature of control: significiant influence or control

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2014-07-312015-07-312016-07-312017-07-312018-07-312019-07-312020-07-312021-07-312022-07-312023-07-31
Net Worth143 800212 966377 326       
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand  3 583107 626309 51444 920518 1016 073 7277 378 8454 846 804
Current Assets1 101 668936 1721 322 8591 361 9871 468 6331 478 4763 240 73213 229 35913 222 95410 401 252
Debtors995 166936 1721 319 2761 254 3611 159 1191 433 5562 722 6317 155 6325 841 8875 554 448
Net Assets Liabilities  377 326477 183641 046556 8591 398 08210 196 19316 294 73215 319 787
Property Plant Equipment  1 751 9271 652 9401 912 3122 191 1781 914 4783 024 3286 708 9697 677 402
Other Debtors    12 800 2 000220 971230 8951 508 122
Total Inventories        2 222 
Cash Bank In Hand106 502 3 583       
Intangible Fixed Assets89 91748 417        
Net Assets Liabilities Including Pension Asset Liability143 800212 966377 326       
Tangible Fixed Assets1 401 9591 962 6771 751 927       
Called Up Share Capital222       
Profit Loss Account Reserve143 798212 964377 324       
Shareholder Funds143 800212 966377 326       
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment  1 641 2672 535 1032 966 0472 649 3303 529 5334 501 1976 085 6477 920 636
Average Number Employees During Period   60644973104122123
Creditors  1 602 5681 214 527377 490416 001698 705269 799117 19837 207
Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment    45 5001 067 020 20 91714 50028 000
Disposals Property Plant Equipment    45 5001 154 767 77 50024 16770 000
Fixed Assets1 491 8762 011 0941 751 9271 652 9401 912 312 1 914 4783 024 3306 708 9717 677 404
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment   893 836495 738750 303880 203992 5811 598 9501 862 989
Net Current Assets Liabilities-454 379-433 443-279 709147 460-881 816-1 218 318182 3097 441 6629 955 2708 065 898
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost  3 393 1944 168 7494 878 3594 840 5085 444 0117 525 52512 794 61615 598 038
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal  9 6069 60611 960   252 311386 308
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment   794 849755 1101 116 916603 5032 159 0145 293 2582 873 422
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities1 037 4971 577 6511 472 2181 800 4001 030 496972 8602 096 78710 465 99216 664 24115 743 302
Audit Fees Expenses       20 00020 00020 000
Fees For Non-audit Services       17 34010 60011 270
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Directors      393 896239 812100 000109 202
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Made In Period Directors       239 812100 000209 202
Amount Specific Advance Or Credit Repaid In Period Directors      393 896393 896439 812 
Director Remuneration      73 47276 912154 00084 000
Number Directors Accruing Benefits Under Money Purchase Scheme       111
Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income      455 0692 102 446475 771494 044
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets       274 997274 997 
Additional Provisions Increase From New Provisions Recognised        252 311133 997
Administrative Expenses     1 407 8311 574 7022 738 9753 532 5263 802 595
Bank Borrowings      50 00010 00010 00016 219
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts     64 04350 00039 06727 95116 219
Cash Cash Equivalents Cash Flow Value      518 1016 073 7277 378 845 
Comprehensive Income Expense      841 2238 798 1116 298 539-632 033
Corporation Tax Payable      246 6992 055 718-302 16864 914
Cost Sales     4 850 2755 555 03920 261 49324 167 04612 140 168
Current Tax For Period      246 6991 881 176789 250422 932
Depreciation Amortisation Expense      880 2031 267 5761 598 9501 862 990
Depreciation Expense Property Plant Equipment     750 303232 193590 5241 373 0651 663 396
Dividends Paid        200 000342 912
Dividends Paid Classified As Financing Activities        -200 000-342 912
Dividends Paid On Shares Interim        200 000342 912
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total    377 490416 001648 705329 741149 97620 988
Gain Loss In Cash Flows From Change In Creditors Trade Other Payables      343 7291 764 128-82 362-1 135 941
Gain Loss In Cash Flows From Change In Debtors Trade Other Receivables      -1 289 075-4 432 9991 073 933410 389
Gain Loss On Disposal Assets Income Statement Subtotal       -51 0783 9379 500
Gain Loss On Disposals Property Plant Equipment       -51 0783 9379 500
Gross Profit Loss     1 440 7142 578 10013 335 60310 897 7413 735 597
Income From Related Parties      49 37447 463258 671404 433
Income Taxes Paid Refund Classified As Operating Activities       -101 628-3 147 136-55 850
Increase Decrease In Cash Cash Equivalents Before Foreign Exchange Differences Changes In Consolidation      537 2245 555 6261 305 118-2 532 041
Increase Decrease In Stocks Inventories Finished Goods Work In Progress        2 222-2 222
Intangible Assets Gross Cost       274 997274 997 
Interest Expense On Obligations Under Finance Leases Hire Purchase Contracts      38 62023 73225 45515 108
Interest Payable Similar Charges Finance Costs     31 15038 62023 73225 45515 108
Investments Fixed Assets       222
Investments In Group Undertakings       222
Loans Owed By Related Parties       228 497163 3826 228
Loans Owed To Related Parties        -555 089-393 337
Merchandise        2 222 
Net Cash Flows From Used In Financing Activities      -117 9481 160 275192 554709 325
Net Cash Flows From Used In Investing Activities      603 4832 428 3805 279 3142 814 920
Net Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities      -1 022 759-9 144 281-6 776 986-992 204
Net Cash Generated From Operations      -947 141-9 252 461-9 949 577-1 063 162
Net Interest Received Paid Classified As Investing Activities      -20-126-340-7 002
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid       222
Operating Profit Loss     32 8831 126 52210 619 8587 365 215-66 998
Other Creditors    672 912621 62850 00014 7548 439 
Other Deferred Tax Expense Credit       -83 035252 311133 997
Other Interest Receivable Similar Income Finance Income      201263407 002
Other Taxation Social Security Payable    285 925203 598914 59481 230125 465122 931
Par Value Share 11    111
Payments Finance Lease Liabilities Classified As Financing Activities      -361 749-526 567-321 250-132 596
Payments To Related Parties      361 92610 291 43014 180 3953 333 785
Pension Other Post-employment Benefit Costs Other Pension Costs      49 465178 71568 80876 809
Percentage Class Share Held In Subsidiary       100100100
Prepayments Accrued Income      11 667665 320463 787375 897
Proceeds From Sales Property Plant Equipment       -5 505-13 604-51 500
Profit Loss     -84 187841 2238 798 1116 298 539-632 033
Profit Loss On Ordinary Activities Before Tax     1 7331 087 92210 596 2527 340 100-75 104
Provisions        252 311386 308
Purchase Property Plant Equipment      -603 503-2 159 014-5 293 258-2 873 422
Repayments Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities        -11 116-10 866
Social Security Costs      161 755260 515377 131379 614
Staff Costs Employee Benefits Expense      2 177 6743 229 7944 194 1824 246 962
Tax Tax Credit On Profit Or Loss On Ordinary Activities     85 920246 6991 798 1411 041 561556 929
Total Operating Lease Payments      47 59137 18010 09033 433
Trade Creditors Trade Payables    1 031 6021 205 367208 283304 4532 669 5511 131 447
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables    1 146 3191 433 5562 708 9646 029 5295 147 2053 547 478
Turnover Revenue     6 290 9898 133 13933 597 09635 064 78715 875 765
Wages Salaries      1 966 4542 790 5643 748 2433 790 539
Amortisation Expense Intangible Assets       274 997  
Bank Overdrafts     64 043    
Cash Receipts From Government Grants      -114 238-17 180  
Further Item Cash Flow From Used In Operating Activities Component Total Net Cash Flows From Used In Operating Activities      114 23817 180  
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets       274 997  
Other Operating Income Format1      123 12423 230  
Proceeds From Borrowings Classified As Financing Activities      -479 697   
Purchase Intangible Assets       -274 995  
Total Additions Including From Business Combinations Intangible Assets       274 997  
Creditors Due After One Year858 8891 352 7251 085 286       
Creditors Due Within One Year1 556 0471 369 6151 602 568       
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment159 083200 583249 000       
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period 41 50048 417       
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation249 000249 000249 000       
Number Shares Allotted 22       
Provisions For Liabilities Charges34 80811 9609 606       
Secured Debts679 152920 092876 388       
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid222       
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 1 005 858515 718       
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation1 946 6482 952 5063 393 224       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation544 689989 8291 641 297       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 445 140706 291       
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals  54 823       
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals  75 000       

Transport Operator Data

Unit 2b-2c
Address Spring Hill Industrial Estate , Colliers Way , Arley
City Coventry
Post code CV7 8HN
Vehicles 4
Trailers 2

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control
Full accounts data made up to 2023-07-31
filed on: 31st, July 2024
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