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A & G Marshall Optometrists Limited CRAMLINGTON

Founded in 2008, A & G Marshall Optometrists, classified under reg no. 06607772 is an active company. Currently registered at 2-3 The Old Church NE23 1DN, Cramlington the company has been in the business for 17 years. Its financial year was closed on 31st May and its latest financial statement was filed on Tuesday 31st May 2022. Since Monday 7th July 2008 A & G Marshall Optometrists Limited is no longer carrying the name A & G Marshall.

Currently there are 2 directors in the the company, namely Anthony M. and Gillian M.. In addition one secretary - Anthony M. - is with the firm. As of 6 February 2025, our data shows no information about any ex officers on these positions.

A & G Marshall Optometrists Limited Address / Contact

Office Address 2-3 The Old Church
Office Address2 Village Square
Town Cramlington
Post code NE23 1DN
Country of origin United Kingdom

Company Information / Profile

Registration Number 06607772
Date of Incorporation Mon, 2nd Jun 2008
Industry Other human health activities
End of financial Year 31st May
Company age 17 years old
Account next due date Thu, 29th Feb 2024 (343 days after)
Account last made up date Tue, 31st May 2022
Next confirmation statement due date Sun, 16th Jun 2024 (2024-06-16)
Last confirmation statement dated Fri, 2nd Jun 2023

Company staff

Anthony M.

Position: Director

Appointed: 02 June 2008

Anthony M.

Position: Secretary

Appointed: 02 June 2008

Gillian M.

Position: Director

Appointed: 02 June 2008

People with significant control

The register of PSCs that own or have control over the company is made up of 2 names. As we discovered, there is Anthony M. This PSC has 25-50% voting rights and has 25-50% shares. Another entity in the persons with significant control register is Gillian M. This PSC owns 25-50% shares and has 25-50% voting rights.

Anthony M.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Gillian M.

Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control: 25-50% voting rights
25-50% shares

Company previous names

A & G Marshall July 7, 2008

Annual reports financial information

Profit & Loss
Accounts Information Date 2015-05-312016-05-312017-05-312018-05-312019-05-312020-05-312021-05-312022-05-312023-05-312024-05-31
Net Worth27 98425 096        
Balance Sheet
Cash Bank On Hand 60 03127 01027 563105 735116 944175 505228 662152 095210 212
Current Assets147 244174 066216 644192 566228 823208 659243 918321 515232 242299 369
Debtors28 63491 570161 108134 69193 54864 33144 99964 70654 69663 543
Net Assets Liabilities -6 2127 07553 486163 609213 062264 904319 348276 752292 372
Other Debtors 8 594131 101104 48535 65040 4976257 3103 8914 072
Property Plant Equipment 3 616171 236162 834140 610118 119112 929105 646116 24192 019
Total Inventories 22 46528 52630 31229 54027 38423 41428 147  
Cash Bank In Hand94 85760 031        
Intangible Fixed Assets76 80051 200        
Stocks Inventory23 75322 465        
Tangible Fixed Assets2 8483 616        
Called Up Share Capital100100        
Profit Loss Account Reserve27 88424 996        
Shareholder Funds27 98425 096        
Accrued Liabilities Deferred Income 5 3516 0315 6445 19911 99723 79724 80423 45412 346
Accumulated Amortisation Impairment Intangible Assets 204 800256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000 
Accumulated Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment 50 43372 60996 390119 462141 953156 401173 003197 794223 571
Additions Other Than Through Business Combinations Property Plant Equipment  189 79615 379848 9 2589 31935 9841 555
Average Number Employees During Period    141315171614
Bank Borrowings Overdrafts  52 25936 39219 02019 020    
Bills Exchange Payable 2 0443 2313 6502 361     
Corporation Tax Payable 13 651 14 54332 49924 92322 25232 4029 58935 602
Corporation Tax Recoverable  7 739       
Creditors 178 59091 29663 06032 286107 09184 722100 39457 24088 499
Finance Lease Liabilities Present Value Total  39 03726 66813 26613 266    
Fixed Assets79 64854 816196 836162 834      
Future Minimum Lease Payments Under Non-cancellable Operating Leases    11 11226 837360 000321 579283 158244 737
Increase From Amortisation Charge For Year Intangible Assets  25 600       
Increase From Depreciation Charge For Year Property Plant Equipment  22 17623 78123 07222 49114 44816 60225 38825 777
Intangible Assets 51 20025 600       
Intangible Assets Gross Cost 256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000256 000 
Net Current Assets Liabilities-51 094-28 997-96 484-38 78963 547101 568159 196221 121175 002210 870
Number Shares Issued Fully Paid   100      
Other Creditors 132 317223 929151 83670 45924 7018 666  10 000
Other Disposals Decrease In Depreciation Impairment Property Plant Equipment        597 
Other Disposals Property Plant Equipment        598 
Other Taxation Social Security Payable     789937   
Par Value Share 1 1      
Prepayments Accrued Income 6 0214852 78119 51116 5456 9865 5426 6724 730
Property Plant Equipment Gross Cost 54 049243 845259 224260 072260 072269 330278 649314 035315 590
Provisions For Liabilities Balance Sheet Subtotal 7231 9817 4998 2626 6257 2217 41914 49110 517
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities28 55425 819100 352124 045204 157219 687272 125326 767291 243302 889
Trade Creditors Trade Payables 25 22754 02427 44423 98412 39529 07043 18824 19730 551
Trade Debtors Trade Receivables 21 17421 78327 42538 3877 28937 38851 85444 13354 741
Creditors Due Within One Year198 338203 063        
Intangible Fixed Assets Aggregate Amortisation Impairment179 200204 800        
Intangible Fixed Assets Amortisation Charged In Period 25 600        
Intangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation256 000256 000        
Number Shares Allotted 100        
Provisions For Liabilities Charges570723        
Share Capital Allotted Called Up Paid100100        
Tangible Fixed Assets Additions 2 303        
Tangible Fixed Assets Cost Or Valuation51 99054 049        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation49 14250 433        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Charged In Period 1 529        
Tangible Fixed Assets Depreciation Decrease Increase On Disposals 238        
Tangible Fixed Assets Disposals 244        

Company filings

Filing category
Accounts Address Annual return Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers Persons with significant control
Confirmation statement with no updates Sunday 2nd June 2024
filed on: 13th, June 2024
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