

Barnet is home to 18716 companies. Out of the estimated 704, 128 new companies have been created in the city so far this year. It is also worth noticing that the number of companies founded in Barnet last year amounts to 1127.

The most prominent companies among them are: Seacourt Developments Limited, with a net worth of GBP 21481140, Myddleton London Limited, worth GBP 17998783 and Whetstone Properties Limited, with a net worth of GBP 14701708.

When taking into account years in the market, the 3 oldest companies in the city are: W.j.jeffery & Co. Limited, founded 114 years 9 months 6 days ago (net worth GBP 9600), Grecian Marbles (Marmor) Limited, founded 113 years 2 months 16 days ago (net worth GBP 1136960) and Finchley Nurseries Limited, founded 94 years 6 months 15 days ago (net worth GBP 39926).

New companies in BARNET